Chapter 5

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A/n: rEeeEee I've been having terrible anxiety. So expect more chapters. Yes I mean more, I write when I'm anxious. Or draw. But I feel like writing.

All the girls in class 1-A were hanging out at the local arena where young trainers can practice their quirks. No one else was there today so we had the whole place to ourselves.

Most of the group felt like we weren't going to make it far in the sports festival, so offered to help train, think of strategies and just all around hang out with them. It was my attempt to do something nice for once.

"It was so nice of you to invite us to do some training, ribbit. We need to be strong for the test coming up." Tsu stated, as we walked into gym. She had her finger on her chin, and it just made her adorable.

"Woah this place is huge!" Mina yelled, breaking you from your trance.

I felt satisfaction upon looking at their faces, they were all filled with joy. They were excited to be here.

"No problem." I laughed rubbing the back of my head, "It's the least I can do." They were all so awkward. They were in their hero costumes not sure what to do.

My head turned towards Yayurozo her one of the most nervous ones here, my face going serious. Which kind of scared her for a second.

"Yayurozo, you and me, let's go."

"W-what?" She stuttered immediately regretting it. She was still pretty intimidated by me. Even if I was trying to be nice.

"We're going to battle." I said smirking, I knew her weakness was confidence, so I had to mess with her. We walked over to the nearest arena one suitable for mass destruction. The group of girls sat down ready to watch how we fight.

I looked up at her with my intense eyes, she looked terrified but then took a deep breath and nodded at me.
"Give me all you got." I growled.




I focused, blocking everything out besides me and my my target.

"Yayurozo, are you sure you can fight against a pro hero?" I teleported next to her starting her.

She quickly created a sword and shield. Frantically trying to hit me.

I jumped back, the sword missing by a mile away.

"Oh Yayurozo." I started pacing back in forth in front of her teasing her.

"You need to be faster than that." I ran up to her, sliding hitting her legs sending her down, causing her to drop her weapons. I grabbed her arm flipped her over and straddled her waist, keeping her wrists on the ground, my face inches from hers.

"You know your pretty self conscious for a girl that everything going on for her." I whispered, causing a faint blush to spread across her face. I laughed as I helped her up. "Don't worry it's a start."

"Now what?" I was looking at the girls who were mortified that I only used my teleportation quirk.

"What about me!?!" I looked to see where the voice was coming from. When I looked it was the one and only Toru. I know she was invisible but I could tell she was excited to see what she could do.

"Alrighty. Let's go."

I put my long hair up into a high ponytail, getting myself ready for a messy fight.

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