My eyes widen, jaw falling slack at this new information. Liam didn't tell me his parents were coming to the game today, if I had known I would've bit the bullet and went down there. "I didn't know..."

"Yeah, because you don't talk to me anymore." His scoff catches the attention of a few guests passing by. "Are we even dating? Because I'm starting to feel like I'm drowning in the friendzone."

I wrap my arms around my waist, a bad habit I had created over the years for 'protection'. "Yes, of course we're dating Liam-"

"Then fucking start acting like it Rosemary!"

A body slides between Liam and me before anymore hurtful comments can be spat in my direction. I know most of this is because he is intoxicated and not in complete control of his actions, but they say 'drunk words, sober thoughts' for a reason, so how am I supposed to take this lightly?

"Bro." Clay, Liam's roommate since freshman year and best friend, interrupts. "You need to go chill the fuck out before you say something you'll regret man. People are watching, and right now you're making a total ass of yourself." Clay looks down at me sympathetically before grabbing his friend by the arm. "Maybe you should go home Ro..."

Liam glares over Clays shoulder, "Yeah, go home."

"Shut up." Clay's words are final as his fire filled brown eyes stare my boyfriend down. "We're going to bed."

You would think that tears would form in my eyes as I watch my relationship crumble in front of me. Shouldn't I feel something?

Pain? Agony? Maybe a little anger, at least toward myself? I feel nothing though, and watch silently as the two push through the crowd to get to their respective rooms.


The temperature had dropped since the lot of us had left for the lacrosse house, making me wonder what possessed me to not wear a jacket tonight. The alcohol I consumed after Liam's meltdown kept me somewhat warm, but something inside me felt cold no matter what I did.

I'm starting to think it's my heart.

For three years, I've known this relationship was a dead end. Liam isn't mature and as much as I hate admitting it, I'm never going to fully get over Dave. Something about that relationship brought me to life, and that's why it took so long for me to leave him.

Even Kurt and I had more of a spark between us than I do with Liam...

The young lacrosse star has been my little distraction from day one, and nothing he could ever do will change that. I've abused his trust, abused his love, and it makes me worry that he'll never be the same after our eventual break up.

When we met, Liam was a wide eyed innocent twenty-year-old and I had just turned twenty-four. His bright nature drew me, and many other girls, to him immediately. Liam knows that he is charming and uses it to his advantage.

I thought I could fall for him, maybe even forget about my past life by accepting his love and affection, but as time went on, I became bored. We fell into a routine, and while I like an organized schedule, I can't stand repetition.

The answering machine beeps from across the room as I shut and lock the front door to the apartment behind me. Not bothering to take my beer soaked converse off as I cross the room to press the play button.

I expected to hear my mom's familiar voice or even one of Amy's sisters, but definitely not the masculine one that came through only seconds later.

"Hey angel eyes," His soft drunken slurs flow from white box as I finally decide to pull my high-top converse off. "It's Dave Grohl- wait shit I mean Dale Nixon. Fuck please tell me Amy isn't the one listening to this voicemail..." I can't help but chuckle at both of our intoxicated states as I press my forehead to the cream-colored wall to hold my balance. "Amy, if you're listening to this, I'm not in that band you like so much. I'm a regular guy."

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