Chapter 9

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Sleeping Beauty

Another glorious day had made its inception, after a few had passed and March had finally come. Birds were starting to built their nests, flying over the garden with small branches in their beaks. Going from tree to tree, while blossom started to appear next to the green, green leaves.

Days had passed, in which a lot of letters had been read, a lot of pages had been flipped since all Millie did was sitting in the garden, listening to all the sounds and reading her books. Most of the time, Sadie held her company after the brunette had recommended her some books.

Finn had them all, he had a whole library for himself. And surprisingly enough, he had allowed Sadie to borrow some books from him, under the condition that he would take them with him whenever he came back from the room in the west wing.

Because that's where he spent all his time. Not with the brunette in the garden, oh no. Finn could be found in the secret room, or being with his friends and sipping from his famous bourbon while smoking cigars.

What a live they had.

Things didn't really became better between the two, Finn tolerated her around him, but that was actually it. Millie always told him goodnight, but he never gave her anything back.

Their conversations didn't go any further than asking each other about finishing another book, or Millie telling about her childhood memories while they had dinner or breakfast, and Eric encouraged her to tell more and more.

But, there was one improvement. After the pair came back from their 'woods' adventure, Finn had indeed spent the night with his friends.

Only this time, it wasn't only Sadie who was there as one woman. Caleb always convincing his friends it was best if his girlfriend was there too, it was a ritual to have the red head there. But this time, Millie had been there too.

She had got to know his friends, and that was a real miracle.

And as Sadie grabbed Millie her hand, she pulled her towards the entrance of the mansion. Running up the stairs and looking back as she saw the confused look on the brunette her face.

"What are we doing?"

She said, nodding her head as they passed by the guards who were standing on each side of the door.

Sadie didn't answer, taking Millie with her towards the giant living room of the Wolfhard's mansion, a room which Millie had discovered that night of the ball - when she got completely lost, just like the other day.

And as they entered the room, four young men turned their heads immediately towards the women entering the chamber.

Making Millie smile uncomfortable, as one of them immediately lifted up, swung his body over the back of the couch and moved towards her. Holding out his hand, as he appeared in front of her.

"Noah Schnapp", he said charmingly, being surely one of the youngest of his friends, at least Millie assumed. But when she looked into those big, brown eyes of him she immediately knew she would get along with this one.

"Millie", her angelic voice said back and the corner of her lips curled up.

Not being aware of Finn, who glanced at her for a second, before he filled his glass with liquor again and it took him only one big gulp to make it empty.

Rolling with his eyes and the tenth sigh of that day left his plump, chapped lips that night as he moved forward to start telling some stupid joke to Gaten.

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