Chapter 1

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Sleeping Beauty

Note: meet the Wolfhard's mansion above.

Note 2: keep in mind that this story is set in the past. Smartphones or any social media apps were not invented yet. Besides that: I am not a historician, so don't hold me fot being one.

"Ooooohooooo, lalaalaaahaaalaa"

As a female singsongy voice filled up the silence, David Harbour looked through the wooden window of the small house. The small house he and his wife - Winona - had been living in their whole lives, together with there daughter - well, actually she was his niece, but the brunette didn't know that.

His wife appeared behind him, placing her hand on his shoulder, while both watched how their daughter came walking towards the house before she walked through the door.

Carrying the fruits in her hands, while she twirled around and her white dress along with her brown apron danced around her petite body. Her brown hair swaying in the air, while her eyes lifted up and she looked into her dad's.

"Finally, that took you long enough."

The elder woman who was wearing a dark green dress, and her black hair put up in a bun, stepped forward as the brunette got inside. Grabbing the apples from her tiny hands, before Winona forced her daughter (let's just call Millie her daughter, even if we all know Winona isn't her biological mother), to look into her eyes.

"When I tell you to get something, you better get it soon."

Millie nodded her head, while her hands wiped off her skirt, her eyes leaving her mothers, while Winona's voice filled her ears again.


A small sigh left Millie's lips, while she stepped towards her dad. Curious to see what he was doing, David Harbour, inventor and librarian in the small city outside the woods. Always busy with discovering something new to work on.

Being a librarian got him all the knowledge he needed for his inventions, and besides that, he always brought books for his sweet girl.

Because if there was one thing Millie did whenever she could, it was reading. Reading, reading, reading. From romantic novels, to journals of travelers, to information books.

The brunette placed a kiss on her old man's head, before her small hands grabbed one of the books that were on the desk as her feet moved towards the stairs quickly. She took it, two steps at the time, while her eyes were reading the cover of the book.

One of her favorites: 'gone with the wind' by Margareth Mitchell. Reading was the only thing that kept her mind off things. It was like she was living in an alternative universe, far away from her life here.

Not that she wasn't happy. Oh, she was one of the happiest girls in the world. Living in the small world of the woods, being friends with the animals and having the best father-daughter relationship with her old man she could ever wish for.

But it were the moments that he was off for his work, or going to one of the stock markets to sell his inventions, that she felt most alone. It was in those moments that her mother would turn into a evil person, and always let her do all the work.

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