Chapter 3

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Sleeping Beauty

"Miss Sink!"

Eric yelled loudly, his voice chanting through the mansion, while he was sitting in the chair of his office. Charlie Heaton standing in front of him, holding two different bouquets out.

One with red roses, the other filled with yellow tulips. Both prepared for the 'big night', the welcome-home ball of Finn Wolfhard.

As the red haired girl appeared in the front door, totally out of breath, Eric looked at her.

"It's the big day, Miss Sink. It's February 22 today, and you know we are hosting a ball tonight."

Sadie moved into the room, standing next to Charlie a second after, while she looked at the bouquets.

"I am fully aware of that, Mr. Wolfhard. Your son is already picking one of the tuxedos I brought and-"

"Fine, fine, fine. I didn't asked you here to talk to me about my son. Which bouquet?"

Eric interrupted the young woman, while he gestured with his head at the flowers Charlie was holding.

The blond man turning towards Sadie, who narrowed her eyes instead before an investigating look got plastered on her face. Her fingers brushing over bot of the flowers, while she looked around the room.

"Definitely the roses."

She finally stated a minute later, grabbing the bouquet from Charlie's hands as she handed it to Eric.

"Yes, Mr. Wolfhard. Definitely the roses."

Eric Wolfhard chuckled a bit, knowing that Sadie was the most punctual, secure and caring person he had ever met. Being the perfect assistant/secretary/care-taker for his son, since she was always looking out for Finn's well-being and arranging everything for him.

"Thank you, Miss Sink", Eric replied before he lifted up from his chair. His hand waving at his servant who was behind him, while he moved towards the door of his room.

Sadie following them as well, her heels clicking on the tiled floor.

"I am going to check how Jaeden and the other's are doing with the decoration", their boss said.

Taking big strides after that, while Charlie followed him and Sadie let out a soft chuckle. Knowing that Eric was probably very excited for this night, since he planned everything very careful.

The last two days had been all about the ball. Eric ordering everyone in the household around to get all the things which were necessary for hosting the perfect party.

From flowers, candles, the right colored napkins and expensive wines to a red carpet, decoration for the room, outfits for the butlers and maids, and a tuxedo for him and his son.

Speaking about the raven head... Where was he actually?

Well, if you were walking through the corridors of the giant mansion, the voice of Finn sounding loud and clear in his room, wasn't hard to miss.

His long legs walking from the right side, to the left while Caleb was sitting on his king-size bed. Ready to change into his suit, as he tried to talk some sense into his friend.

"Finn, you can't be serious about getting so drunk... You know you're father values nights like this."

The raven haired shot over his gaze, hearing those words ringing in his ears.

"Like you never drink something that's filled with alcohol."

He answered more harshly than he had meant to at first. Not wanting for Caleb to feel bad, since he was literally his best friend.

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