Chapter 28- Playing Match-Maker

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So I know I said that this chapter would take place a week later, but lets make it a month later since we are coming to the close of the story .. :"(  Anywho, the twins are doing great! [Picture of them on the side: ADORABLE!] They laugh and play together. Liv takes Casey to the Clarke School for Speech and Hearing for musical therapy with other blind infants and toddlers atleast twice a week. It raises the strength of hearing and touch to help them interact more. Kylee is a good baby. She only cries when she's hungry, tired, or needs a diaper change. And she loves to help her sister. Sometimes when Caseys' pacifier falls out her mouth she picks it up for her (Aww!)Oh and Cam'ron, well, he's making an effort to improve his life for his baby girls. He comes to see them everyday after work. With Drake's help he got a job working as a set creator for E! News. Also, Cam'ron graduated in the beginning of the month and Liv was promoted to Sophmore year without having to go to summer school with some extra credit work. But unfortanately she does not like the idea of a nanny so she isn't continuing high school to stay home full time with the twins. As for Nicki and Drake, they're vacationing for two weks to a private estate in Anguilla (the place in the Diced Pineapples video by Rick Ross) for their 10 year wedding anniversary. Speaking of anniversaries, Austin and Riley are celebrating 3 months next week, they are always together, you won't see one without the other. And in case you were wondering, they still haven't had sex yet. 

P.S.- At Cam and Dana's court trial. He was found guilty of assault, domestic violence, and endangering the welfare of a child. Therfore, Dana now has full custody of Ty'Shawn and whenever Cam wants to see him he has to call first and is limited to 3 visitations per month. He only got 48 hours of community service for the sentence instead of jail time because he was able to prove that Dana had once been on drugs and had a criminal record, but didn't have enough evidence to prove that she was still an addict and unfit to be a mother. And it turns out that Imani, the girl Cam was cheating on Liv with, is NOT pregnant, thank God.

(So Liv is at home feeding Kylee and keeping an eye on Casey who was asleep in her arms)

Olivia-(trying to get a spoon into Kylee's mouth) Come on Ky-Ky, eat just one more spoonful for mommy

Kylee-(keeps her mouth shut)

Liv-Pleaseeeeee Kylee.

Kylee-(starts crying)

Liv-Fine. But you're finishing this for dinner tonight. (shifts Casey onto her hip and picks up Kylee from her high chair and puts her down in the play pen in the living room and puts Casey in the rocking swing to keep her asleep through her nap. Then she started cleaning down the high chair and washing the dishes)

Cam'ron-(coming in the front door and setting down his work stuff on the kitchen table) Hey.

Liv-Hey, you scared me, I forgot I gave you keys. How was work?

Cam-It was so much fucking-(gco)

Liv-The girls can hear you!

Cam-Sorry, anyways it was so much fun. (pumping some hand sanitizer from the kitchen counter onto his hands before he goes over to the play pen and picks up Kylee who was smiling hard as soon as she saw her daddy) Hey beautiful! (kisses her cheek) Did you miss daddy? I missed you Ky-Ky (kisses her cheek again then tickles the bottom of her feet causing her to make the cutest little baby laugh) 

Liv-(smiling at the 2 of them together) Don't be too loud, you'll wake up Ci-Ci (Casey).

Cam-K. So like I was saying, today we started working on a special three part documentary on Angel Foxx (fictional pop star).

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