Chapter 26- A Very Special Day(Part 1)

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LIV- Well does everything look ok?

Dr- Well Olivia... How do you feel about having those babies today?

LIV- Uhh I don't know about that... Why???

Dr- Because you're in labor.

LIV- What?!! How???

Dr- Your water just broke a few seconds ago.

LIV-(panicking) OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD! Nooo I'm not ready yet! I need more time! Oh god now it burns!

Dr- That's what's generally known as the "Ring of Fire" You're nearing the crowning.

LIV- what?!! Call my mom!!!

Dr- Right. Nurse!

Nurse- Yes doctor

Dr- Get miss carter to a delivery room STAT I'll go find her file and call her family.

Nurse- alright. (Gets LIV into a wheelchair and pushes her to the labor ward into The Delivery Suite paid for by Drake to make sure his baby girl was comfortable)

LIV- (now laying in the bed with her feet held up in stirrups)

Dr- Olivia, Your family's on their way. But a cousin of yours has already arrived.

LIV- What cousin???

(Cam'ron enters the room slowly and takes a set in the suede recliner next to liv's full sized delivery bed. Ah, the perks of giving birth in a hospital suite lol)

LIV- (angry) Cam'ron?!

Cam- Olivia

LIV- What are you doing here???

Cam- What kind of father would I be if I didn't come?

LIV- .... Ok, this is about the girls now. Not us.

Cam- (takes her hand) It could be about us Liv

Liv- Don't call me that anymore. I hate-(starts having contractions) AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!(squeezing cams hand)

Cam- It's ok it's ok

Liv- no it's not ok! This was NOT the plan! I'm supposed to be having a c-section so I don't have to go through this pain! And where is my mother?!! I need drugs!

Cam-(goes into his jacket pocket)

Liv- Not that! Epidural!

Cam- (takes his hand out his pocket) Oh.

Nurse-(coming in with a needle) Olivia, I got something for ya girl.

Liv- Oh thank god!

Nurse-(gives her the needle in her back)

LIV- Wait! I'm supposed to be having a c-section.

Nurse- well it says on your scheduled for a dose of epidural and a water birth

Liv- Water birth??? I can't swim!

Nurse-(laughs a little) No no, you're just going to be in that big jacuzzi tub over there(points to the other side of the large room) Most women say that the hot water and the epidural eases the pain anywhere from 60-80%

Liv- Oh, well that doesn't sound too bad... Except MY VAGINA WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!

Nurse- All women have that fear hon' don't worry, in a couple months you'll be back to normal.

LIV-(sighs) Well at least the epidural is starting to work. When do I get in the tub?

Nurse- When you're ready to start pushing. At about 8 cm dilated.

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