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               After the fifteenth round, I remember 'Mineta' "damn it" I say out loud. Crusty looked at me then back at the screen "what is it?" "I forgot about that damn perv that will be over this weekend, he was in the girl's locker room wall they were changing and I promised the girls I would fix him." He chocked on-air "HE WHAT, that's the grape dude he's supposed to be a hero. That's low, I'll help you if you need it." I smile "thanks, I'll keep that in mind might just have to threaten to bring you in though, he's a fuckin pussy." 

              He laughs and we continue are game, he won five out of the twenty rounds we were about to start another round when nemy and mic ran into the room. Mic being the loudest did what he did best, being loud "YEAH GUY'S WERE READY" Julia shot a pillow at his face from the ceiling. Nemy just used her normal voice "let's go were ready we have a fort movie games and other stuff." Me and crusty got up and followed them to nemy's room, we walked in and saw a huge fort with a T.V in front of it with movies lade out next to boardgames, next to an empty bottle.

              I give a warily smile and walk on forward and sit in the middle of the fort. I look up at crusty, he looked warily at the fort as if it was too fragile to touch. I sighed for the thousandth time today "come here consider this a house warming gift." He sits in front of me and I grab his hands I take his quirk and 'edit' it and give it back. He looked at me confused "what you do?" I smiled and touched all his fingers "you can now control your quirk, and where you want it to activate." He gave me a warm smile and whispered "thank you" I ruffle his hair "it's the least I can do to make up for what happened to you. Now let's kick their but's at gaming, yeah?" He gave an evil grin "yeah." And that's what they did for twenty minutes until sho came in "you guys are getting loud" nemy sneaks behind him with a pillow mic is trying to wave at her to stop, while crusty and I are watching, trying not to laugh.

               Nemy then hit's sho with the pillow and he falls on the floor and just stayed there, me and crusty fall to the ground laughing and mic tells nemy "see you just killed him!!!" When me and crusty stop laughing we gave each other a look and grabbed a pillow he went after mic wall I went to avenge my lover and went after nemy. After are pillow fight sho got up grabbed a pillow and whacked nemy across the face, she staggered a bit and sho said: "I'm going back to my room."

               I giggled and sat back down and scanned through the boardgames "what do you guys want to play?" they gathered around me and looked at the games after a while they agreed on monopoly, by the middle of the game I had most of the money, crusty has about 3,548 dollars and five property, mic and nemy and like three hundred dollars left and one or two properties, I had the rest and me and crusty were starring them down because they owed us money. "Okay we lose take it, take are stuff, this feels like a mugging." I smiled "don't be silly if this was a mugging you wouldn't know what happened" and that sweat smile turned into an evil grin real quick.

               They all sweatdrop and gave up even crusty cause he knew he wasn't going to win against the devil himself. After we cleaned up we decided on truth or dare. We sat in a circle and crusty spun the bottle and it landed on nemy "t or d" "truth" "okay, what's it like working with all might" "terrible he doesn't know how to teach and he has a how-to teach for dummy's book in his back pocket, I don't know why he was hired" I laughed at that and said, "yeah I got him that before school started". They laugh and nemy spun the bottle and it landed on mic "t or d" "t" "how many friends did you have in middle school?" "none they all called me obnoxious so they state away from me" we all nod and he spends the bottle and it lands on crusty "T or D" "T."

                Mic took a second to think "who's your crush?" He went red at that and whispered their name I smiled "they won't judge promise and I have sho so don't be afraid" I pat his head and he looks up "i-it's dabi" I smiled, no, I grind "I SHIP IT!!!"I yelled as I pumped my fist's in the air. He just rolled his eye's at my reaction but I could tell he was relieved, he spun the bottle and it landed on me "t or d" "D I ain't no pussy" I yelled, they huddled in the corner wall looking at me. When they come back they said together "what's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you."

              I sat there for a minute thinking of something and said: "From what I can say right now so far is slip during freerunning practic in the winter on the rooftop's, I caught myself on a lamp post but that was still pretty embarrassing." They seemed disappointed so I just said "fine, let me think" they nod and sat there for a few more seconds then I started giggling "okay so this was more of an award situation then embarrassing,"

             They nod as I continue "it was the lasts year near the end of elementary school, I was at the urinal doing my business and I'm not being racist but I feel you should know that the next person that walked in and went to the urinal next to me was Asian. I kid you not he pulled his pant's down all the way with his underwear and they hit the floor, so he was butt naked next to me and started peeing. I couldn't move cause I was already in business so I stared at the ceiling until I hear the door open I look and see another boy and lip say 'help me' he shook his head saluted me and slowly walked out."

              I don't know if they didn't teach him how to use the bathroom but I soon found out that it wants just him but most of that Asian boy didn't know how to use the urinal correctly." They laughed and we decided to watch a movie frozen.

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