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That's his suit but imagine tight gloves on him and a hoodie with head tight Spider-Man like black mask.

Sick of crying,

tired of trying,

yes, I'm smiling,

but inside I'm dying

izuku pov

                   After I finished mashing the potatoes I start making the plates. When I was done I turn around and see three hungry animals, one sluggish caterpillar, a lustful bear, and a loud cockatoo. I set their plates down and grab mine and sit down. As soon as my spoon hit the vegetable's two of them ate like monsters. When I finished I grabbed the already empty plate's of Mic and Nemy and went to the sink to wash them when I got finished with the three, I turn to sho and grab his now empty plate and I start to finish up. "So were soulmate" sho spoke wall was drying the dishes. "Yes," I responded nervously 'what if he doesn't want me, what if he hates me. No, he has that look to him when he looks at me, I shouldn't be so parodied. I can read people like the back of my hand, he, I.' Put the plates away when suddenly I feel someone hug me.

              I turn my head to see sho, hugging me "you know you really need to break that mumbling habit of your's" he says. I flare up in embarrassment "I, a, oh" is all that came out, "of course I love you, I could never hate you." I turn my body and hug him back "thank sho, I-I love you too." We freeze when we hair and see a flash "they act like kids I swear" sho mumbles on my ear and I giggle. "Well looks like we got our work cut out for us, raising kids is a real workout. Reraising adults that act like children that's a challenge." I let go and glare at the other two "looks like I have our work cut out for us, how do you want to handle it." He made a humming sound "capture and eliminate?"

            I suggested and he gave a nod. I transformed into a panther and got into a running position, they stair at me terrified and started to run. In ten seconds flat I had them on the floor and sho had their phone's "what's their password?" he questioned they smirked "you'll never know!!!" they hell I roll my eyes "it's midnight stage, to represent the weird ship name they just made it sound normal" they paled. Sho got into their phones and deleted the photos and hand the phones back. I let them go and yawn transforming into a small cat and sho picked me up as fell asleep in his arm's.

           I woke up the next morning on sho's chest in his room. I blushed and crawled off him only for him to pull me back "not yet five more minutes" he mumbled I giggled and slipped out of his grasp and put my glasses on and checked the time "sho it's 6:00 you have class and I have a conference to get ready for, get up" he sluggishly got up. I kissed his forehead and walked out the door shutting and locking behind me. I walk down the stairs and go to my room and take a shower as I have my suit gets washed wall in there. When I get out I set it in the dryer and threw on a t-shirt and shorts and walk out to the kitchen.

          I look at the time and see it's 6:30 I get out a pan and the toaster, I crack an egg and start to fry it breaking the yoke cooking it thoroughly. I toast two pieces of bread and spread mayo on it. When the egg finished I put it on the toast and put it together making an egg sandwich. I did that prosses three more time's when I was done I turned around and saw those animals again. I gave them their food and we ate in peace this time, thankfully. When I finished I got up and got my suit from the dryer and changed into my suit. (top image of the last chapter)

         When I finished I walked out and meet the rest at the kitchen when we were all ready we left. The car ride was all talk about work and complaints and Mic and Nemy trying to embarrass me and sho only for us to shot right back, stronger silencing the big red tomatoes. When we got to school we walked through the hallway's passing students that recognize me. We get to the lounge and I give them goodbyes and head to nezu's office. 

         I knock on the door and hear a come in, I walk in and see a government official I give them a harsh glare realizing what happened. I walk over to nezu "hello nezu I am here and ready for the press conference" I then turn to the Offical "and what are you here for?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. He shifts his weight from one foot to another "I um, am here on business" I nod "business that can be shared, let me repeat and you better hope my suspicions are wrong."

           I turn all the way toward's him and repeat in a voice full of venom "What is your business here." He took a hard gulp "I was sent here to hypnotize nezu and the other's to make them believe you're an escape." I just sighed "is this the only work they give you?" I questioned, he gave me a nod and I sighed again "nezu, I will apparently be having to tell you some if not all of my secrets soon. But that can wait, you should hire this man so he can be the inside man for us. I am not always monitoring the government and I don't need them doing some more of these underhanded tactics again, you will understand later."

           Nezu gives me a nod I look back at the man "you will go back and use your quirk on the people that were in on this little scheme and make them forget about this order, I or nezu will find you when we need you. You will inform me when they try something like this again, you will check-in once a week" he gave a nod and walked out. I turned to nezu who looked utterly confused I sighed yet again "we will talk after the press conference" he just nodded and lead the way.


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