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(Their first year's and this is the second week of school)

Izuku POV
I woke up this morning after getting a great nights sleep dreaming about Aizawa. I opened my dorm door to absolute silence which was strange because everyone would be eating breakfast right now or just chatting in the common room. I decided to make myself some eggs and bacon on toast and sit in the common room and wait to see if anybody would come down to have breakfast. I finished my toast and get dressed making my way out the front door. The cool breeze hits my face as I stepped out and I still see nobody in sight so I think they're already in class which is strange because everybody is usually late.

I run down the halls making my way to class and open the door slightly and make my way in only to see all the UA stuff in there along with my classmates glaring at me with looks that can kill.

"Hey gu-" I attempt to say before bakugo got up and right hooked me in the face before shouting.
" shut up you useless trader Deku" bakugo Scoffed at me.
"But I didn-"I tried to say but ochoko pushed me off my feet and onto the floor in front of shoto that just stared glaring at me for some strange reason.
Ochako proceeded to yell "w-we trusted y-you d-Deku and y-you betrayed u-us" she is splattered out of her tear-soaked face.
I was incredibly confused at the situation going in front of me and decided to ask "w-what's going on g-guys" I asked lightly.
Principal Nezu spoke up " at 11 PM last night you store files containing information about students and staff quirks and their weaknesses, is this correct" Nezu Spoke with absolute venom in his tone that made the teacher shiver in fear.
"Yo Little listener your plane to go to jail is ready to leave is there anything you want to say before you go?" Present Mic spoke with sympathy because he thought Izuku was innocent concerning his actions.

" yes I do have some words to say" his Face looked up while getting off the glaring at his classmates, this gathered the attention of the students and staff.

"When my name is cleared Innocent don't ask for my forgiveness" izuku spoke as tears fell out of his eyes looking upon the ones he trusted with his life.
Izuku walked out the door with the UA staff following behind him. He still couldn't believe that UA thought he was the traitor, he spent his whole life looking up to them only to be betrayed by them.
" Young Midoriya I shall be taking back what is mine" said all might in a somewhat calm tone as he plucked out one of my hairs. I went to at the pain it caused me. I cried more when I realised what was happening. he was going to take away my power that I earned.
The tears that drop down my face shocked the teachers and some of them started to have second choices. I Could tell that Aizawa-sensei and Mic-sensei believed in my innocence from the start and for that I still had some hope left in me 'thankfully he forgot he can't take one for all away from me without my permission so he literally ate just my hair'.
I hopped onto the private jet that would take me to the most ruthless prison. Prison zero. It was made for the villains that have done such horrible things were the death Penalty sent to you isn't enough for them. Just the thought of being there made me shiver in fear.
The Whole ride there was silence between me, nezu and all might. Not a single word was spoken until we landed which made us give our attention to the gray building that is prison zero.
" well here we are" Said all might in his deflated skeleton form.
" yes indeed" said principal nezu from behind us making all might jump but calm down right after.
I dared forward to the building at which I would be kept in for the rest of my life. It was dark and gloomy from outside and you could feel the blood-lust and killer intend oozing out of the building.
As we walked in we got several stairs from the guards and inmates all which were directed at me for being in a place of cruel people and being so young. I shot them glares and they turned the other way pretending I wasn't there.
As we got to my cage which was on the bottom floor or at the super criminals I kept for creating disastrous events and high-level matter. as I made my way to my cell at the back of the hall I looked at the other inmates in the cells next to me and recognize them immediately. I was in the Cell next to all for one, stain and overhaul.
Oh well, I thought to myself.

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