Another Contract

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Rayan had just finished another contract in the mountains of Winterhold. He was cutting off the head of a nekker that had killed some of the miners nearby. It seemed like he and Erik had been doing contracts non stop since he negotiated a price for renting the Elder Scroll while Serana and Arkinwrath tried to earn money a different way. 

With a irritated grunt, Rayan stood up and carried the head back to Winterhold. 

"Do you have anything else?" Rayan asked the Jarl as his steward handed him another coin pouch.

"Nothing at the moment." The Jarl said as he went back to sitting on his throne.

Rayan shrugged and went back to the inn.

He walked in to see Serana sitting in a chair with here hand over her mouth trying not to laugh as she was looking towards the open part of the inn. 

Rayan saw Erik standing there with about four different mages surrounding him with books out as if they were taking notes on everything he said.   

"Whats going on?" Rayan asked Serana.

"A bunch of mages came in here looking for a dawnguard after their master told them about one in Saarthal." Serana said still smiling and chuckling. "Erik stood up at 'dawnguard' without hearing the rest of what they said thinking they had work for him."

"So you sat and laughed?" Rayan asked with a smile creeping across his face.

Serana nodded which made Rayan exhale and start chuckling as well when he sat next to her.

The small group of mages dispersed and left the inn finally giving Erik room to breathe again.

"So what have you been up to?" Rayan asked. 

"Whatever I can to get us some money." Serana responded.  "And Arkinwrath decided tro try his hand at mining for a while until we all can come up with some scheme to either get the money or rob the college." 

"As good as robbery sounds right now, I don't feel like being incinerated." Rayan said. "I'm thinking you might have to use that vampire charm of yours or we move on to somewhere else."

"Or we let Harkon take it and we take it from him and return it for a small fortune." Erik said as he walked over to the two with a plate and bottle in his hands.

"NO." Serana said in a stern voice. 

"Just think about it Serana." Erik said as he sat on the floor in-between the two. "So how much gold do we have total now?"

Serana sighed. "I think 10,000 minus living here and cost of food and drink." 

"In this week alone?" Rayan asked. "Thats not that bad." 

"Yes, but you two have been working constantly and I don't want you getting killed."  Serana said as she started to patronize. 

"This is also true." Erik said as he took a bite of his food. 

Rayan got up and went to order food and drink from the bar as well. He got salmon steak and carrots with honey mead to wash it down and went back to sitting with Erik and Serana who were now discussing the mages that swarmed Erik.

"What were they wanting?" Rayan asked Erik as he sat back down.

"They wanted to know what the daedroth titan was like." Erik said as he took a drink.

"And?" Serana said. 

"And I told them what me and Rayan did. We killed it." Erik said.

"I bet they were let down by that answer." Rayan joked as he started eating.

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