A Mage's Mind

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A loud knocking woke Kumeron up suddenly making the book covering his face while he slept fall off.

"MASTER YOU ARE MISSING YOUR OWN CLASS AGAIN YOU LAZY BASTARD!" Said a voice shouting through Kumerons door.

"LANGUAGE!" Kumeron shouted back at the door. "Fucking gods dammit." He said to himself as he rolled out of bed to quickly get dressed. 

Kumeron was a nordic mage teaching at the College of Winterhold. He was a 45 year old well built mage with black hair, a black beard worthy of the old nords, and yellow eyes, the color of healing spells. He was a master in healing, alteration and destruction currently working in illusion and conjuration. He was almost always covered with a light layer of dirt from constant and excessive exploring of ruins and others in the like and he would always carry a staff for walking and fighting. 

Kumeron quickly put on his pants then boots and his mage robes that he had reinforced with leather to give him decent armor while still looking like a mage. He grabbed his bag then a bandoleer for extra carrying and a belt with slots for potions and put them on. He filled his belt with different colored bottles of red, green, blue, pink, and other colors. He tripped on a pile of books he kept near the door as he put on his hood almost falling on his face but he caught himself then opened the door to see six students standing right at his doorway waiting for him.

"Good morning everybody." Kumeron said with a smile. 

"Midday." The student closest to the door said. She was a young dark elf whose eye rivaled the fires of oblivion at the moment.

"Thank you Brelyna." Kumeron said. "Good midday then."

"Tolfdir said to meet him at Saarthal again." Brelyna said.

"Oh good we are finishing his lesson then." Kumeron said as he walked past his students as they followed him.

Kumeron opened the door leading out of the Hall of Countenance and stepped out into the main court yard.  

It was busy this time of day with the students and apprentices outside doing what ever they did. Most either sat along the benches and tables discussing their lessons and assignments, others would tend to the small magical greenhouse the college had, and the last would practice spells in any open space they could find, along with anything else the students would do. Magic lights illuminated the yard and the corridors circling it giving off a separation from Skyrim making the college feel like a completely different world. 

Kumeron lead his students out of the main gate and across the newly fixed stone bridge and into the small town of Winterhold. He saw the Jarl handing somebody a coin pouch in exchange for a bloodied bag. He was a nord with brown hair and a sword on his back but Kumeron didn't see his face and it didn't matter he would have continued walking either way.

They walked past through the town and went up a beaten pathway that to the snow and ice covered mountain side. 

Finally they made it to a small crater in a ice glacier where a large excavation had taken place revealing an old nordic tomb with an old man sitting at one of the tables on a overlooking deck.

The old man stood up and waved at Kumeron then headed to the entrance while Kumeron lead his students down to the entrance. 

"Good of you to finally join us." The old mage said as he shook hands with Kumeron. 

"Apologies Tolfdir I hope you didn't have to wait long." Kumeron said.

"Only from dawn till now." Tolfdir said as he turned to open the door to Saarthal. 

"Who in oblivion gets up at dawn?" Kumeron though to himself before stepping into the tomb with his students behind him. 

They walked down a rotting but sturdy ramp into an open area. 

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