Chapter 9 ~ Dear John

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Half asleep on the couch drifting in and out of slumber , John is woken by the sound of his mobile phone vibrating on the coffee table that is next to him. Who would be awake at the ungodly hour of 3a.m. Swinging his legs off the couch John gets up to stretch and shuffles towards the table to see who had text him at this hour , picking up the phone and opening the message . It was a very long message eventually John looked to see who had sent it . BETH.

Dear John,

I'm so so sorry but I can not keep doing this , I cant handle Danny anymore , he is slowly killing me . I'm not going to let him kill me by beating me , I'm going to beat him to it . I spent so many nights crying myself to sleep , crying for you . I have cut my arms and legs all because of Danny , its all Danny . Danny caused all this pain and anger .

Don't think i don't love you just because I want to end my own life , I love you John more than anything in this world because you have kept me safe , you have been my reason to keep fighting . I cant leave Danny because I fear what he might do to me and even you . If he does something to you I will never be able to live with myself . If I go through with this you realize I will be ending two lives . Yes I am with child , and its not danny's, he has not touched me that way in months . The child is yours John but if Danny finds out I don't want to imagine the outcome

By the time you are reading this I should be almost gone from drowning , when this sends the bath will nearly be finished filling up and in case someone does find me in time to prevent the drowning I have a blade for my wrists .

I love you John,


Looking at his tear soaked mobile phone for a minuet to take everything in then without another thought he drops his phone and sprints to the kitchen to grab the first-aid kit , after getting that he sprints for his car and heads to Beth's house


After hitting send I felt a bit guilty. How could I do that to him , he didn't need to know about his baby . Enough time wasting Beth , get into that bath and kill yourself you stupid bitch , make Danny happy and fucking die you slut

"Shut up ! Shut up ! Shut up ! " I scream at the voice in my head . I am so going crazy. Beth do as I say and get in the bath , slit your wrists and drift into a deep sleep for ever .As i Begin to make the first cut on my left wrist I hear a car pull up and a moment later there is banging on the door . JOHN.

Soon he was going to bust the door down and find me, so I finish the cuts on my writs . Just adding to my collection . slowly I slide into the bath , I stay under water with my fathers scuba diving weights . My vision begins to blur as the water slowly turns scarlet . I hear a loud thump as something breaks in the bathroom, suddenly there is a shadow looming above me .The shadow lifts me out of the water and carry's me to my bed , he wraps one of my wrists in a towel while he begins to clean the other and stitch it up . Some time passes and both my wrist and stitched and bandaged I don't remember seeing his face because my vision stayed blurry , but I do remember him saying my name over and over again . From that I knew who it was straight away . John

I will never forget this night. This is the night my John save me forever .

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