Mother's day- Jack

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I'm a pretty big fan of Jack, I think she's a pretty interesting character and she's honestly the only reason why I'd play as a male Shepard.


Rubbing her temple's, Jack let out a ground before slumping down into the coach cushion's.

"Rough night?" [Name] asked as he plopped down beside her and began massaging Jack's tattooed back. She hummed in approval and leaned into [Name's] touch.

"No thank's to you. I thought we were going to take turn's getting up and changing Vinny?" She complained when referring to their son, though without a doubt, you knew she loved him to death.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, I was just so tired last night that I must have slept through his crying." [Name] apologized as Jack let out a huff and rolled her dark eyes. "Hey," [Name] caught her chin and turned her gaze to face him. "Let me make it up to you," you said before stealing her lip's.

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