Comfort- Ashley Williams

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Blue neon light's reflected themselves off of Ashley's skin-tight, royal blue, jumpsuit- that was what caught your attention first when you looked up at the mirror. Next was her face which held a cocky smirk as she eyed you up.

"Everything's ready, [Name]," she called to you as she made her way over vanity mirror and leaned up against it.

"What about you? Are you ready?" You asked as you picked up a bolt of cologne and inspected it, debating whether you should or shouldn't try it.

"Let's get it done and go home," she spoke casually but you could hear the hint of hostility in it.

You sighed heavily before turning to face her. "We're not getting off that easy, Ash." She chuckled in response before leaning in closer.

"No? We looking at a rouge ride?"

"Ash, I get what you're trying to do," you snapped before walking out of the bathroom and stepping toward's the fish tank, wishing you were in them instead of here. At least then you could escape all responsibility.

"Hey, no brushing me off. Talk to me, what's going on?" Ash called out as she gently turned you around to face her.

"I'm not brushing you off," you answered honestly. "I'm just thinking about everyone we've lost fighting this war."

"I understand. Man, do I ever." She grabbed hold of your hand and squeezed it tightly in her grasp, desperate to bring you comfort and reassurance. "You know, I was lost without you, [Name]. When I thought you were dead. It broke my heart. And then you found your way back. It was a miracle. Screw the science. It was a damned miracle, [Name]."

"I couldn't do this without you, Ashley. When I fight met you on Eden Prime, I saw a woman who never gave up. You lost your company, expected no help, and there you were, fighting an invasion single handed."

"You don't need to say anything, [Name]."

"No. I do." And with that, you scooped her face in your hand's and kissed her. Her hand's instantly went around your neck as your's trailed down to her, pressing her body closer to your's.


This chapter was meant to be a full on smut...but It's really hard for me to write a sex scene in the perspective of a male. That, and if I'm being completely honest, I don't really like Ashley. She's an alright character, I suppose, but it kinda makes me feel a bit uncomfortable with of she disregard's science in favor of religion. 

Not that I have anything against religion, it's just I don't think I can respect someone who completely disregard's it in favor of their own, blind belief's.

I know I said in the description of this story that I don't take request's, but if you guess REALLY want me to write more chapter's on Ashley, then let me know. Cause other than that, I don't think I want to write anything involving her.

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