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"Hi Ava, hope you've been well. I know you're going through some tough times right now, but we've got a little guy who I think would love to meet you." The adoption agent, Taylor said through the phone.

"Oh my goodness, is he there?"

"He is, Ava meet Theo."

She held the baby in front of the camera and a tear dropped from my eye.

"Oh honey, isn't he beautiful." I sighed, touching my screen.

His chubby little cheeks, tanned skin & curled hair.

He was gorgeous.

"He's been all packed up and is just about ready to meet his new family."

That's right, I was still adopting Theo. Even though I was now doing this alone, I knew this could be one of my only opportunities to have a baby, so there was no chance I was going to let it slip through my fingers.

"I've got all of my bags packed, my parents cannot wait to meet him too."

"I'm so glad we've managed to get all this done for you, you're going to love him."

I smiled and he touched the screen.

"Hi baby boy." I whispered and a little smile came across his beautiful little face.

"Oh you're going to melt me." I laughed and Taylor grinned.

"One more week & you'll finally get to meet. I'm so excited for you."

"Oh I have been counting down the hours." I laughed and she smiled.

"He's getting chunkier by the minute." She laughed and I smiled at his little rolls on his body.

"More of him to cuddle hey."

She laughed and I smiled.

Eventually we ended the call & I opened my door.


"Hey." I sighed, moving to the side so he could come in.

"How've you been?"

"I'm okay, you?"

"Getting there."

I sat on the couch and he sat beside me.

"So you're going ahead with adopting Theo?"

I nodded and he smiled.

"You're gonna be a great mom Ava."


We sat in silence for a minute & he looked around my empty, packed up apartment.

"How's footy going?" I asked & he smiled.

"We've been on a real high lately, you haven't been watching?" He asked, his eyes flicking to mine.

"Not really." I whispered, wiping under my eye.

"I'm sorry." He sighed, grabbing my hand & I slowly retracted mine away.

"It's okay." I shook my head and took a deep breath.

"I just came to see if you needed a hand packing anything up?"

"No I've got everything pretty much done, thanks."

He nodded and looked down at his feet.

"I miss you." He whispered, grabbing my hands and I sighed.

"Please don't." I mumbled, letting my hands free of his again.

He sighed & stood up, nodding.

"Text me if you need anything."

I nodded and he left, leaving me alone.

I burst into tears and wrapped myself in the blanket on the couch.

"You're okay." I whispered to myself, wiping my face and laying down.

"You're okay Ava."

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