Personalised Ponga Shirt

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"Big game next week." I laughed, showing him the Knights shirt I bought today with Ponga embroided on the back.

"Aw that's a bit cute." He laughed, grinning at me as I held it against my body.

"I'm gonna be in the front row screaming your name."

"Again?" He laughed and Kyle spat his beer out.

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Not that type of scream." I grinned and he smiled, laughing with Kyle.

"Can't wait to look over and see you there." He grinned and I blushed.

"Let me practise my cheer dance moves."

"Okay." He laughed, as they both watched me.

"Let's go Ponga, let's go!" I cheered, moving my arms around and clapping.

"I think maybe if you just yell out and don't do the dance moves." Kyle laughed and I grinned, putting the shirt back in my bag.

"You do whatever you want baby." Kalyn laughed, handing me a glass of wine.

"Do you get nervous before a big game?" I asked, tucking my legs under my bum.

"Yeah a bit."

"You'll be right mate. Just kick good." Kyle shrugged, opening another beer for himself.

"Oh good tip, thanks bro." Kalyn said sarcastically, shaking his head, grinning.

Kyle laughed and we sat on the couch.

"I think you're one of the best players they've ever had." I laughed and he grinned.

"You don't even understand footy."

"I understand enough to know you're the best." I laughed, kissing him.

"Thanks baby." He laughed, holding my cheek.

"What's King doing today?"

"She'll be finishing work soon."

"Tell her to come over for a beer." Kalyn said, grabbing another one for himself.

I love that this was our little group now, felt like a family.

Kyle was on the phone to her and I looked at Kalyn.

"What's the biggest thing you wanna achieve with your life?"

"That's a big question." He laughed, smiling at me as I grinned.

"Mine is to build a home in the country, be married to a man I love & have babies causing a ruckus around me."

"Sounds like a good one. Mine would be to get to the best possible place I can with my career in footy. Have a wife in the crowd cheering me on at every game, have my mates there supporting me & a heap of kids with Ponga on the back of their jerseys cheering for me." He laughed, winking at me.

Wow. As if it was possible for him to turn me on even more.

I grinned and moved closer to him.

"Sounds like a pretty good goal in life to me." I whispered on his lips and he grinned, closing the space between us.

"Sounds kinda similar to yours."

I smiled and gently bit his lip.

"Maybe the kids will have matching jerseys to mine?" I whispered, looking up into his brown eyes.

He grinned and grabbed behind my neck.
"That'd be cute as fuck." He mumbled, tangling his tongue with mine.

I pulled away and was flustered as fuck.

"Holy." I mumbled, fanning myself and he laughed, looking back over at Kyle.

"She coming?"

"Yeah, leaving now."

"Nice, I'll get some steaks out."

I helped him and Kyle got the BBQ fired up on the balcony.


"Mm?" I mumbled, cutting up some potatoes for mash.

"Does King, talk about me a lot?"

"Yeah, can never get her to shut up about you actually." I laughed and he grinned.

"I feel the exact same."

"I'm glad, I think you two are good for eachother."

He smiled and I clicked my beer with his.

"Cheers." He laughed, and we stood around watching Kalyn cook the steaks.

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