Day 24

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"Hey baby." I sighed, putting the flowers down that mum brought.

"Kaley's taken over our lounge room. Operating her beads business out of it. Told me that you'd support it & I should be happy she's making her own money. When I reminded her that she was 12 and didn't need her own money, she told me off pretty much."

"Dad built you those stools you were telling him you wanted to buy. He actually did a really good job, they look exactly like the ones you wanted to buy. He got upset the other day, was crying to mum. I overheard them, they're just as upset as I am."

"Mum comes here every second day & everytime I leave to go home for a bit."

"King brought some new clothes for you because she said the ones I packed were not right. I thought they were fine but it's okay, I know I'm not good at that stuff."

"Coach got your jersey you were wearing framed, then bought over an official one with Ponga on it, with my number. I think you're gonna love it. He said he wishes you all the best."

"Your bruises have all healed and your cuts are gone, looking very fresh now baby. I actually put your hair in a bun today and I can't believe how it turned out. I even sent it to mum, she was impressed too."

"I'm waiting for the day I'm speaking all this crap and you tell me to shut up."

"Shut up." I heard a soft voice mumble and I spun around to see her.


Her eyes flickered to the light and I turned them off.

"Baby? Are you awake?"

"You talk so much." She mumbled, looking at me and the tears fell down my face.

"God I've missed you."

"Hi baby." She mumbled again and I called a nurse in.

"She's talking."

"Hi Ava. I'm Tess your nurse. Welcome back honey."

Ava looked up at her and then around the room.

"Do you remember what happened darl?"


"Yeah hun, you were hit by a truck. How are you feeling?"


"Understandable. I'm gonna call your doctor in okay?"

The nurse left and I kissed her forehead.

"You've been gone for almost a month baby."

"Good nap."

"Real good one." I laughed and the doctor walked in.

"Hi Ava, I'm doctor Birk."

She stayed silent and he sighed,
"You've made us wait a little while honey. I'm gonna check you over okay."

He lifted the blanket off her and looked over her leg.

"That's going well, now your ribs are still a little bruised and swollen but that will go down over time. Your pelvis..."

"Doc can I have a word?"

"Sure." He said, nodding at Ava then walking over to the side of the room with me.

"Do you mind if I'm the one to tell her she can't have kids?"


"Please? She's not gonna handle it well, that's the one thing she wanted out of life. It's gonna hurt her so badly."


"Thank you."

He gave me a sad smile and they checked a few more things, then left.

"You're healing well baby." I said, propping her a little higher on her bed as she opened the custard in front of her.

"Yeah, I'm so hungry."

"Eat up, I can't guarantee it'll be nice but it'll fill you up."

She smiled and I sighed.

"Baby I've actually gotta tell you something else."


"Your pelvis fractured and they had to remove half of it while you were in surgery so it didn't stab into your organs."

"So I've only got half a pelvis?" She asked, grabbing her spoon.

"That's right baby. But, uh, I wanted to tell you this instead of the doctor because I know how upset you're gonna be."

She put the spoon down and I sighed.

"You can't get pregnant baby, your pelvis can't hold kids."

She dropped the custard on the bed and burst into tears.


"God I'm so sorry baby." I cried, hugging her.

She cried and cried and my heart broke.

"I'm sorry Ava, I'm so fucking sorry."

I held her head on my chest and she was clutching my shirt.

"I can't have kids." She cried, and my tears rolled down my face.

Fuck this was terrible to watch.

"Is there any chance baby?" She cried, looking up at me through her glassy eyes.

I shook my head and she kept crying.

"I'm so sorry." I sighed, kissing her forehead.

"I love you so much."

She cried onto my chest for hours.

We were heartbroken.

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