Meeting the Ponga's

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Kalyn's parents and younger sister were over for dinner and I was talking with his mum.

"It's so nice to finally meet you darling, Kalyn's always talking about you on the phone."

"Aw, I'm glad to finally meet you guys too, he's always telling me stories about all of you too." I laughed and she smiled.

"He's a good boy."

I smiled and looked over at him, play fighting with his sister as his dad watched the footy.

"That he is."

"And what do you do?"

"I actually co-own a boutique downtown, we're online too so that's really made us popular."

"Oh do you? Maybe I've been there before, what's it called?"

"Sabo Skirt."

"You own that?"

"Yeah, you've heard of it?"

"I love that place. Gorgeous clothing."

"I'm so glad to hear that. It's been a crazy few years."

"I bet, god that place is always busy when I go in."

"Yeah it's going well, never really had an interest in anything else." I laughed and she nodded.

"I know what you mean, I own a little gardening centre & it's all I've ever wanted to do."

"I'll have to come get some plants off you one day."

"Of course honey." She smiled, squeezing my hand.

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