Seeing Her

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She was finally out of surgery and they lead me to her room where she was.

"This is also a bag of the clothes she was wearing when it happened." The nurse said, showing me the bag.


They handed it to me and the first thing I seen was her jersey with my name on the back of it.

The tears built up in my eyes and I sighed, god this was an absolute nightmare.

I walked in the room and seen her with a heap of tubes connected to her.

"Oh baby." I cried, seeing her like that absolutely broke me.

I sat beside her with the jersey in my hand and rubbed her hair back.

Her face was covered with scratches & gravel rash, with little bruises starting to form.

A doctor walked in and smiled,
"Hi son, she's doing a little better, but I wanted to talk to you about some things that have come up in scans."

I nodded and wiped my eyes, squeezing the jersey.

"So she's got two broken ribs, obviously some cuts and things to her face, her nose was broken but we managed to get a cosmetic surgeon in while she was under to help with that so that should be healing now, she's got a broken foot & her pelvis bone was fractured also."

Fucking hell.

"She took a hard hit. So all of these will heal with sometime, however my biggest concern is with her pelvis being fractured."

"What does that mean?"

"Well, she'll be dispensing her urine into a bag attached to her for the next few weeks & will be bed ridden for at least two months. Those are our short term issues with it, now for the long term."

"What's that?"

"It was so fractured, we had to remove half of it or it would have pierced her other organs. Although it was not what I wanted to do, it's what was best for her."

"Thank you doc."

"I'm really sorry to be the one to tell you this Kalyn, but Ava is no longer able to have kids & fall pregnant."

Oh fuck no.
We were only just talking about this last week.
How the fuck do I tell her that?

The tears welled up and I shook my head, looking over at her.

"I'm really sorry mate, I wouldn't have done it if I had another option."

"There's no chance?"

"No mate, I'm really sorry it had to come to that."

He left the room and I sat back down beside her.

"I'm so sorry baby. I'm so fucking sorry." I cried, holding her hand.

"I need you to wake up baby, I'm so fucking heartbroken that this is what you are going through. I'm so bloody sorry Ava."

"Honey?" I heard my mums voice from the door and I kept my head down, crying onto the blanket.

"Oh Kay. I'm sorry mate."

"Look at her mum."

"I know mate, she'll get through it."

"She had to get a nose job because it was so broken, a broken foot, two broken ribs & they had to remove half of her pelvis."

"Oh god, does that mean..?"

"She can't have kids mum." I cried and she held me.

"Mate I'm so bloody sorry."

My dad walked in the room and held us both.

"She can't have my babies." I cried, squeezing her hand.

"It's alright mate." Dad sighed, holding me tighter.

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