Chapter 20

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Rowan's second pregnancy wasn't as easy as her first. It wasn't helpful that Drew hadn't been to another appointment since the first one. She went to Dr. Brett after picking up Theo from school. He brought her to his office after her tests and ultrasound. "I've never been in here before," she said. They'd only seen each other in the exam room.

"I need to talk to you and we have another appointment."

"Talk about what?"

"Your blood pressure is through the roof. It's so high it has to be affecting you but according to your words, everything is fine." Rowan did remember getting up and seeing spots. Episodes of blurred vision and horrible headaches. But, it's not like there was anything she could do, so she ignored it.

"There's been one or two things. But I'm handling it."

"If you were, we wouldn't be having this discussion. I'm going to give you a pill to take but you have to lower the stress. I'm even considering bed rest for the last five weeks of pregnancy."

"I can't do that. Drew works seven days a week right now."

"I can call him myself. If it's about you and the baby he would take the time."

"No, you can't tell him. What about patient confidentiality."

"I'm not just your doctor. I'm also Tyler's. We could lose you both. You have two other kids at home. Stay healthy. At least for them."

"Everything for them, right?" Rowan asked sadly.

"I know how you feel but..."

"You can't possibly know how I feel," she snapped at him. He nodded his head slowly.

"I want to see you in a week. You don't lower your blood pressure, I'll admit you until the birth." Rowan nodded then walked outside of the office. Tabitha and Theo were waiting with a couple of nurses.

"Let's go home, my loves," Rowan said to them. Theo got up from the floor and wrapped his arms around his mother. Rowan tangled her fingers in his curly hair. He was growing so fast.

They go home and Rowan doesn't mention the high blood pressure to Drew. She got the medication from the pharmacy. Took the pill and just hoped for the best. Drew crawled into bed after two in the morning. Rowan rolled over to look at him. She didn't know why but she started crying. "You want me here because you love your kids, But you don't want me," she whispered. Drew's eyes were closed. They snapped open but Rowan had already started moving out of the bed. She'd spend another night crying in Tabitha's room and sleeping in a rocking chair.

The next week, Rowan went back to Dr. Brett. She had only slightly lowered her blood pressure. Dr. Brett complained but didn't end up calling Drew. Rowan kind of wished that he did. Maybe someone else could convince Drew to be home more. Work less, it definitely wasn't her.

As she thought, Halloween was the day she went into labor. Drew knew the date but still went into work. He might have mentioned something about calling him just in case but she rolled her eyes and it went out her other ear. By five o'clock they were fifteen minutes apart and Rowan decided to go to the hospital after calling Dr. Brett. Theo was trick or treating with TJ and staying the night with Alexis and her husband. Rowan dropped Tabitha at Mark and Kiana's before admitting herself.

After an hour at the hospital, Rowan was frustrated and anxious. Her heart rate was so fast her ears were ringing. She just kept pacing around the room, hoping the process would speed up. Rowan prepared for the next one and a nurse comes in. "Single mom?" she asked.

"No. I just didn't want to bother my husband. He's very busy." She said as she breathed through it.

"You're having a baby. There's nothing more important." Rowan snapped her head towards the woman and gave her a glare that could send chills down the spine of an Inuit, "Sorry for saying anything. I'll get the doctor. He can check on your progress." The nurse left to open the door and on the other side is Drew with a particularly angry face.

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