Chapter 7: The Hiatus

Start from the beginning


He hears her voice just by the doorway of Eren's room, still with her armsling intact on her left arm and and using a cane to support herself.

"Mikasa" he says as he stands up and and helps her to the bedside chair he sat on earlier. "Shouldn't you still be resting?"

"I can support myself fine," she says ignoring the pain on her fractured arm "I'm just glad that my bones aren't completely broken. If I just stay still, it would heal just fine."

She turns to face her brother. "I think, I would like to stay here with him."

He doesn't protest any further and proceeds to get the newspaper he was reading. If more than anything, maybe the two sibs need eachother right now. He gives her one lingering look before he leaves.

Mikasa's black beady eyes meets his and gives a faint smile, her voice, still raspy and caught on her throat. "I can handle this."

He closes the door and leaves the two alone.

He walks around the dark corridors of their barracks. The rainy season seemed upon them and it kept raining on most days, but there is no storm.

He passes by Ymir and Historia doing their usual chores of tending the garden. Deep in his thoughts again; he doesn't notice the pillar right infront of him and bumps right at it. His sudden cry of pain gets the attention of the two girls in the garden.

"Armin, be careful!" Historia calls out running towards him to inspect the little bump he had on his forehead. Ymir, a tall, dark, freckled faced girl lags behind the petite blonde girl as always like a body guard.

"No, I'm alright." He gives a grin. "Thanks for the concern."

He hears Ymir huff behind. He knows its her way of catching Historia's attention. "How's your friend? He awake yet?"


"Peculiar..." she says with her dark hazel eyes rolling away to the dark sky. "Must be the rain," she murmurs only to herself.

"I pray that he wakes up soon," Historia says. "I know you three have a lot of catching up to do,"

"Yeah, and when Historia prays, its bound to be answered." Ymir says with a grin as she wraps an arm around the other girl's shoulders. "She's favoured by the wall goddesses."

Armin gives an awkward smile "Thank you for your symphathy," the weird looks that Ymir has been giving him is starting to creep him out. "Besides, Mikasa is with him now."

"Oh..." Ymir says. "So there isn't a bit of a problem."

Drops of rain started to pitter patter the roof. Historia looked startled, confused even. "Ahhh! Some of the laundry is outside!" She excuses herself and scampers off. Ymir yells after her, but she doesn't look back. The tall woman sighed in defeat.

As Ymir was about to leave, Armin catches her attention.

"Ymir." He says "before you leave, do you know something about the annihilation of the titan shifters? You also mentioned about the rain, dont you think its affecting Eren or anything?"

Her hazel eyes focuses on him but he sees those golden hazel eyes of her seem to be lost in her own thoughts as well. Until she finally answers him: "Beats me, I know nuthin'... And by the way, titans love sunlight. Maybe a sunny day could help him, smart guy."

Her answer lingers in his mind as she scampers off to meet Historia.



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