College AU

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Heyyyyy! So this is actually the first chapter in a longer work I'm doing but until I get another oneshot out, here is the beginning of the college AU!!! ENJOY ❤️❤️

Jared stood frozen by his bed as Evan fucking Hansen stood by the doorway with box that was shaking in his hand. Evan looked at the dorm number again for probably the fifth time in the past minute and looked at Jared with uncertainty. 

    ""Um hey? So I know this is the right dorm but are you hundred percent sure this is your right dorm?" He kept shifting weight back and forth between his feet as if he wasn't quite sure what to do with himself.

    "You don't go to this school." Was all Jared could think to respond. 

    " I didn't. But um, now I do? You see, I took a year off? To save up. But I also took some classes at a community college to transfer credits. You know, the one up that hill by the coffee shop you used to go to?"

    Before Jared could answer Evan was talking again.

    " Yeah, well, I took some classes there for a bit. Somebody there told me this was a good college. And a cheaper option than most. So I um, applied and got in! Well, obviously you can see that." 

    " But that would mean you're a freshman. "

    " Well, yes-"

    " So how are you dorming with me? I'm a sophomore. " Jared said dryly, trying his very hardest to seem uninterested and unfazed. 

    "I'm not sure? I-I could ask or-"

    "It's fine." Jared replied without really thinking. "It's better to have you then some guy who'll probably bring hookups all the time." He chuckled. " And I know it's been like, two years but based on the way you've been taking and acting , you are not a fuck boy. "

    Evan gulped and nodded his head. " I mean...Yeah. Zoe Murphy to this date was my only girlfriend. "

    His stomach twisted at the mention of Zoe. God he hated that bitch. He knew he shouldn't have, she never really did anything wrong to him. She was always nice and smiled and said hi to him when they used to see each other. But the moment Evan brought up her name in 8th grade he couldn't stand her. Everything about her pissed him off. How perfect she was, how pretty she was, and how Evan was fucking obsessed with her for four years. And he hated her even more when she and Evan got together. He hated how she'd kiss him goodbye when they walked to class. Hated how she laced her hand with his. And absolutely despised she got all of Evan's attention. All he fucking cared about was Zoe Murphy. Nobody else mattered. He felt a sick twist of pleasure at the thought that Evan hadn't started the dating scene again. It's not that he didn't want Evan to be happy. He did. Even after everything. He really wanted to see Evan smile and wanted the best for him. But he couldn't help but get selfish with Evan. And if Evan wasn't dating anybody, he could let his thoughts go a little more wild without feeling bad. Not that he was going to. He was still very much mad at Evan but wasn't in the mood to bring everything up.

    "Well, that's not a shocker, is it?" He smiled in satisfaction when Evan glared at him and turned back to his bed which had a large suitcase. "Come in and close the door, nobody needs to see our room." 

    He heard the door shut behind him and a plop which he assumed was Evan placing his box down. He glanced at Evan and scoffed. "Is that seriously all you brought?"

    "Well, for now. My mom is gonna help really settle in tomorrow. "

    " Ah, how is Heidi? It's been forever since I've seen her. " The tension in the room was thick but Evan looked relieved that this was the direction their conversation was going.

    " She's good. Great, actually. Finally doing law. "

Jared fully turned to Evan. "Holy shit, really? That's awesome."

    Evan smiled. "Yeah. She's been way happier. Plus she's had a bit more free time, so that's fun." He fiddled with his shirt but actually made eye contact with Jared which was a shock.

    " I miss her.  And the fact that she fed me all the time. God, Heidi is a blessing. "

    Evan chuckled, " Yeah, she's great. I'm gonna miss her. But it's going to be good. Moving out. She's actually the one who insisted on it. "

    " Of course she did. It's Heidi Hansen's goal to make sure Mark Evan Hansen actually does shit. "

     Evan cringed. " God, don't use that name. "

    " It's technically your name Hansen. "

    " Yeah, and I hate it.".

    " Well, too bad. " He smiled and turned to his stuff. His side of his room was already partially decorated but he looked down at his pride flag which was neatly folded in his suitcase. He had never come out to Evan and just to pull out a rainbow flag would probably give him whiplash. But he spent a decent amount of the money on the thing and goddamn it, it was going up. He pulled it out slowly, hoping Evan's oblivious ass wouldn't notice but Evan immediately said,

    "Is that a pride flag?"

    Jared sighed dramatically. "Keen observation." He pulled the whole thing out and took out pins from one of the suitcase's pockets. 

    "You're gay? Wait, you never told me! All you ever did was talk about girls. "

    " That's what closeted people do. Have you not seen It? That Richie bitch talked about fucking girls 24/7 and was obviously gay." He stood on his bed and pinned one side to the wall. Was he allowed to put holes in the wall? Fuck it, if they said anything he could call them homophobic. Works every time.

    " He's the one who had a crush on his best friend, right? "

    Too close to home. " Um, yeah. That one. " He moved and pinned the other side. He got off the bed and looked at it. "There. Perfectly hanged on the first try, that's a record."

     "I feel stupid for not noticing. "

     " You are stupid, but not many people knew I guess. " He pulled out a picture frame of him and his parents at graduation. "Plus your gaydar is shit." He put it on the dresser and avoided eye contact with Evan. He wasn't ashamed of his sexuality but it felt weird talking about it with Evan. It felt like his past was colliding with his present.

      The bed creaked and he heard Evan sigh loudly. "I'm sorry I didn't notice. And I'm sorry you couldn't trust me enough to tell me. " 

     Jared turned to Evan who was laying on his bed. " I couldn't tell it to myself. It wasn't that I didn't trust you."

     " So you would have told me? "

     " Fuck no."

     Evan dryly laughed. "Fair." There was a suffocating silence between them. Jared couldn't remember a time where it was this awkward. Despite the fact that they bickered often and Evan had bad anxiety, it was always okay between them. They would always find a to talk about or to argue over. And when they didn't talk it wasn't...bad. Evan would sit on whoever's bed and  hum while he watched Jared play a video game and curse at his laptop. They usually only hung out when their parents would meet up but senior year they started to hang out more after.....shit. don't go there Jared. Anywhere but there. "Hansen?"

     "Hm?" Evan looked up at Jared.

     "You hungry?"

     He sighed. "Yeah but I don't wanna go out."


     " Oh God please."

     Jared reached for his phone and clicked the speed dial. "Same thing as always?"


     "Picky fuck."  Jared chuckled under his breath.

    " Shut up. "

THAT'S IT FOR NOW!!! I'll probably put this on A03 and Wattpad but it's gonna be a longggggg work. Please tell me any oneshot suggestions! I have a couple ideas but would love more! I'm so happy to be back!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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