Summer Nights

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TW: Yawing (why is there always yawning in stories)

Also, I bet you yawned reading that ;-)


"I want to be the very best, like no one ever was. To catch them is my real test. To train them is my cause!"

Evan rubbed his eyes and grunted, annoyed with the fact that Jared was calling him. He had forced Evan to set that song for his ringtone and despite how much he hated it, he never changed it. He moved his hand around searching for his phone (in the process he knocked down his tissue box) until he found his phone. He picked up the call moving the phone to his ear. He yawned loudly and said, "What do you want?"

"Come outside."

"What?" Evan sat up and rubbed his eyes again. "Why?"

"Because I said to acorn. Throw on some actual clothes and then come down."

"Fine." Evan said with a sigh. He got up out of his bed (after several attempts) and threw on some casual clothes, not really caring how he looked. Usually he would, especially in front of Jared, but they've been dating for a couple of months now and Evan became more laid back around him. Thankfully, his mom wasn't home yet , Mr. Heere was staying over at a friends house and Jeremy was sleeping over at Michaels so he didn't really need to be quiet. He ran down the stairs and opened the door to be greeted with that humidity in the air that came with the summertime. He really didn't mind it since it wasn't that bad. He saw Jared leaning against his car and walked up to him. Once Jared saw Evan, he had a goofy grin on his face and kissed Evan on his forehead.

"What's this about?" Evan mumbled, still sleepy.

Jared walked to the other side of the car and got into the car. Evan did the same, yawning loudly.

"So," Jared said, starting the car. "Here's the thing. It's summer and we haven't done anything" He backed out of the driveway and Evan crossed his legs on the seat.

"That's not necessarily true-"

"Shut up acorn, So I thought it would be great for us to just drive around and enjoy each others company."

"You're being too nice. Why are you being nice?"

"What? I can't be nice to my boyf riend?" Jared said with a sly smile.

"No. You're never nice. What's up?"

Jared sighed. "Okay, okay. You caught me. It's just," Jared took a deep breath and looked at the road ahead. "Freshman year of college is only a month away. And I'm scared."

"Of what."

Jared clenched his jaw. "Of losing you."

Evan smiled softly and grabbed Jared's hand. "You'll never lose me. Besides, our colleges are only an hour away. We can still visit each other and-"

"You'll replace me."


"No.Think about it. We wouldn't be able to see each other much since college is going to become more hectic than high school. You're dorming so you'll probably meet some nice guy and ditch me."

"No, I wouldn't. Stop being so negative. That's my job." Evan said poking Jared.

Jared laughed softly and Evan squeezed his hand. "Let's just enjoy tonight. Okay?"

Jared nodded his head. "Okay."

Evan let go of Jared's hand and looked out the window. "So what exactly are we doing?"

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