Chapter 11

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My face lit up with happiness. Ashley was finally awake, this has got be the happiest day of my life. "Y-you're awake!" I exclaimed. "Yeah, but um how long have I been asleep?" She asked. "Um a few days, but that doesn't matter because you're awake!" I said. She gave me a smile, as I walked over to her and gave her the biggest hug I had ever given everyone. I missed her so much, I didn't know if I would get to ever see her again. I was letting go of her as my phone got a text message.

Unknown 4:01

Break up with Ashley or next time it won't be just a coma.

Ashley must have seen my face drop, because next thing I know she was shaking me. "Dani, who is it?" She asked. What the hell was I supposed to tell her? "Just my mom." I lied. I couldn't tell her the truth and I couldn't break up with her. I just got her back, but if I didn't I would lose her forever. Why does life I have to be like this?! I wish things could be simpler, but of course life is not simple.


My mom came and picked us up since I still didn't have a car. "What's up with you Dani?" My mom asked. I couldn't tell her; I couldn't even tell Ashley. I stayed silent, but to my surprise that was the best thing I could do considering I didn't get asked again.

We dropped Ashley off and as Ashley went her house, my mom asked "How are you and Ashley?" I wanted to tell her everything, but all I could say was "I think I'm going to break up with her." My voice cracked and I was doing my best not to cry, but I knew I wasn't strong enough.


The next morning, I decided I was going to break up with Ashley. It's for her safety, but she wouldn't understand if I told her that. Then I heard my phone ding.

Ashley 7:14

Want me to pick you up?

Me 7:15

No, I'm going to walk to school, but I do need to talk to you if you don't mind.

Ashley 7:19

Okay, I'll see you at school. Love you.

I knew she did, and I loved her, but I didn't respond. I was scared to break up with her. I mean what if I never find someone like her again. 

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