Chapter 9

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"What kind of fuckery is this?!" I screamed. I rushed to Ashley. "Help!" I yelled. Ashley laying on the ground in a puddle of blood. "Why are you- AH!" A teacher screamed. She pulled out her phone and started dialing 9-1-1. "What happened?" She asked. "I-I don't know I-I called her, but she didn't pick up. I could hear her phone ringing and followed the sound and then saw this." I explained. Tears were streaming down my face. I could hear the teacher telling me to calm down, but I couldn't. I was an emotional wreck.


My parents picked me up and took me to the hospital. I still couldn't drive, so getting them to drive me was my only option. When we got there I broke down. Why did all of this have to happen. My wreck, Ashley's dad, and now Ashley could be dead. Who did this? Why did they do this? 

"Mr. Hudson?" The doctor spoke. Ashley's father walked up to the doctor, and they started talking. The next second I saw tears erupt from Mr. Hudson's eyes. That can't be good news. "Mr. Hudson, how is she? Is she still alive?" I asked. "She's in a coma." He said. I felt my heart break. Ashley was in a coma. "When can we see her?" I asked. The doctor spoke up, "You can go in right now, she's just not awake." The doctor showed us to her room, and my heart broke even more. I hated seeing her hooked up to all of those machines, I hated seeing her in pain.


After a little while, Ashley's father left, leaving me alone with Ashley. "C'mon Ashley you can get through this." I said. There was no response, of course there wasn't she was in a god damn coma. "Dani, we should go home. It's getting late." My mom said. I nodded and gave Ashley a quick kiss on Ashley's forehead.


When we got home, all I could think about was Ashley. It's like universe doesn't want me to happy. I lost my memories and when I finally get them back, Ashley is in a coma. As I'm about to go to sleep I get a call from an unknown number...

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