Chapter 1: Haha. I don't like you.

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AN: The prologue was weirdly short. How are you guys today? Tell me in comments I'm genuinely interested. I'm gonna sneak a lot of references in these chapters, so put in the comments if you know them. If you get them, I'm your friend now. If not, then we aren't friends yet, but I'll get to know you. LET'S-A GO!



Fucking alarm clock. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I mentally scream as I basically almost smash it to pieces by turning it off. I get ready by, showering, putting on the following, (this is just to get a sense of your style. You can make your own outfits after that ^-^):

(Choose one)packing my bag, putting my suit in it (cover of book and chapter) and heading down to the kitchen where aunt A/n had made "Bacon pancakes! Yes!" I say as I sit down at the table

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(Choose one)
packing my bag, putting my suit in it (cover of book and chapter) and heading down to the kitchen where aunt A/n had made "Bacon pancakes! Yes!" I say as I sit down at the table. My aunt joins me and we start talking. "So first day at school huh kiddo." She starts, "Ya nervous?" She asks. "No" I answer. "I have no need to be. These people probably won't notice I'm there. I'll stick to the shadows where I belong." I explain.
But this answer causes aunt A/n to raise an eyebrow and look at me weirdly. "I'm kidding. I'm just not very social. I don't want..." I trail off. Aunt A/n pats my shoulder. She understands. I don't want to get hurt again. It sucks losing people you love. "Oh dear lord. You should get going YN. You need to be at school soon." A/n says whilst looking at her watch. I kiss her cheek, say goodbye, grab my phone, headphones and bag and run out the door.
As I arrive at my new school I sigh and check my phone.

Aunt A/n:
Have a nice day and don't lose your virginity or anything.

Can't make any promises!

Jk I won't. I'm not that dumb.

I walk in and see loads of students just hanging out waiting for school to start. I put my headphones on and wait too. No, I don't know where I'm headed, but if I'm gonna get forced to ask for a tour to the principal's office, then I might as well miss some of class.

🌸 Now playing 🌸

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  Something for your M.I.N.D

     0:01─|──────── 2:46

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I can ever so slightly hear footsteps approaching but I think nothing of it. Until... my headphones are taken off my head. I only ask for two things in this life. Don't let people figure out my super identity and Don't. Touch. My. Headphones. I look up and see a blonde with subpar fashion sense and a ginger who just seems like a sidekick. "Could I have those back?" I ask the blonde calmly. "No weirdo." She answers. Her voice is louder than her jacket. "I'm trying to be nice. Give them back... please." I ask again slightly louder.
"I already answered. No. Geez why are you so obsessed over a pair of headphones. I mean they look expensive but they are so basic." she hands them to the ginger. "They are important because they were a gift." From my dead mom. "Whatever. They would look better on me. I mean, compared to you anything would look good." We had everyone's attention now.
That's it. I'mma go sicko mode on this bitch. "I'm going to ask one more time you cheap Barbie knock off. Give me my headphones back." She looks angry "Do you even know who I am?!" She yells. "Geez i didn't think you could get any louder. Look I mean, I thought you were gonna be bitchy based on the loud-ass clothes and the fact that you look like you face planted into a makeup tray this morning, but I didn't think you would be this inconsiderate." I state calmly. "Give them back." I say as I snatch them from tweedledumber. I put them back on and walk off.
I hear the bell ring and feel someone tap my shoulder. "H-hi I'm Nathaniel." "YN." "I-i was wondering if you need to be shown to the principal's office..." I look up to see a cute redhead scratching the back of his neck.
"That would be great thank you!" I exclaim, smiling at him. He blushes slightly and we start walking to the principal's office. This is awkward...
"So what's the deal with 99 cent Regina George?" I ask without looking at him. "That's Chloe. She's like that all the time. But she gets away with it because she's the mayor's daughter. She's a real bitch." I look up at him in surprise. "W-what? She r-really gets on my nerves. I'm sorry." He says noticing my look. "No it's okay, really! You just... don't seem like the type to swear." I say laughing slightly. "O-okay. We're h-here." Nathaniel tells me gesturing to the door in front of us.
"Thanks. I-is it okay if I call you Nath?" I ask him cautiously. I don't know how to socialiiiiise! Woooo! I mentally sing in my head while I wait for Nathaniel to answer. I see a blush appear on his face again. "S-sure." He responds with a smile. "Cool. Cool cool cool." I say with a smile yet again.
After talking to the principal, getting my schedule, a summary of how things work here and suprisingly easily finding my classroom (Nate didn't want to be late so he left), I knock on the door. I see a kind looking teacher open the door and smile at me. "You must be YN. I'll let you introduce yourself though." She whispers to me before turning back to the class. I step infront of the board and say "Hello everybody my name is YN LN and I'm your new classmate. I hope we all get along." I say with a grin on my face. I notice Chloe sticking her tongue out at me. Haha. I don't like you.

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