Something in Common

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The Crystal Gems regroup outside the temple. They were all distressed from the events that occurred hours ago. Peridot walks up to Garnet and asks her questions.

"Warmachine, why didn't you see this coming?"

"I did, as soon as she emerged from the temple."

"Then why didn't you say anything?"

"Future Vision isn't always reliable. It was fifty/fifty when I first saw her. Then Steven called her Bubble, it then became a certainty."

"I didn't mean to set her off!" Steven snaps.

"Easy, Schtu-ball. No need to lose it."

Bismuth steps up. "Greg is right. This Gem is clearly a threat, so we need to focus and find her."

"How? She could be anywhere on Earth." Amethyst mentions.

Pearl then has an idea, letting out a loud gasp. "The same way we followed Peridot!"

Few were confused, especially Peridot herself.

"Bismuth, your assistance."

Pearl rushes inside the temple with Bismuth chasing after. After a few moments, the group can hear grunting. Pearl comes out with Bismuth behind her, who was carrying Peridot's old escape pod.

"Is that my-"

"Your escape pod from that time you and Jasper tried to shatter us? Yes, yes it is!" Pearl quickly interjects.

"Geez, talk holding a grudge."

Pearl opens the ship revealing all the wiring inside. "I'll connect this to the warp systems, and any time Lunacia uses a warp pad, we'll be able to pinpoint her location."

"So that how you tracked me around," Peridot says impressed by Pearl's cunning. "Shame it won't work."


"She's a Lapis Lazuli. She could fly from one side of the world to the other in minutes. Why would she need a warp pad?"

Garnet places a hand on Peridot's shoulder. "All we need is one slip up from her part, then take advantage. For now, we'll search her the old fashioned way. Searching each warp pad on Earth. One by one."

"That will take fooorreverrr," Amethyst complains.

"It better than doing nothing."

With Garnet's orders, the Crystal Gems went to work. While everyone leaves only Steven remains. Garnet notices and approaches the young teen.

"Are you okay, Steven?"

"This is my fault. I should've done more for her. Then she would've acted differently."

"Maybe, but you can't change what happened. The best you can do now is to move forward."

"I know." Steven begins to smile. "Once we find her, I can talk to her. Work things out."

"...Are you sure?"

"What? I want to help her."

"She straight up said she wanted to annihilate us."

"Let's not focus on the details."

Garnet sighs. "I won't stop you. Just don't get your hopes up."

"Nothing wrong with hope, Garnet."

"Hmm, let's hope we'll find her soon."

[Osaka, Japan]

[Three Weeks Later]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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