Chapter 11

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"Hello, Casey" said a voice on the screen 

"Who is this" Casey 

"This is General Booth" said the voice 

"How are you alive"  asked Casey 

"Simply because I am the Mole" said General Booth 

"What about Corporal John Wilkes" asked Casey 

"He was just a cover up"  said General Booth

"Why are you doing this, our country is fighting for freedom" Connor asked as Casey came to complete realization 

"You bastard" Casey yelled and Connor took her out of the room 

"What's going on" Connor asked 

"That bastard, he killed them"  said Casey 

"Killed who" asked Connor

"Laura went on a covert operation with General Booth and came back in a body bag, he claimed that she died saving him" said Casey 

"I'm guessing the same thing happened to Anna, but why" said Connor 

"Leverage" said Casey 

"Anna's body was never found" said Connor as Casey got up and started walking down the hall with Connor, Chris and Rob following her

"Where are you going" Rob asked her 

"The Armory" Casey answered simply 

"Why" asked Connor 

"Because I'm going to kill that SOB" said Casey as she got into the Armory and started getting guns 

"You're not going alone" said Connor 

"I have a feeling nobody would be willing to come with me" said Casey 

"I am" said Connor 

"Connor, you have a kid" said Casey 

"Yeah, but think of this as Brother and Sister time" said Connor 

"Alright" said Casey 

"Remember how I used to look like Dad and you looked like Mom" said Connor getting his gear on 

"Of course, I used to call you Daddy's little boy" said Casey 

"Looks like we're even more alike" said Connor and Casey looked in the mirror

"We're Texan, Texan's look alike" said Casey

"Casey, you're hair is black, that's not a Texan thing, that machine brought out Dad's side of you're genes" said Connor as they started to walk out of the building

"It's not so bad" said Casey 

"It isn't" said Connor as they got in a jeep and started driving to the Iraqi base 

"Remember our training from when we were kids" asked Casey 

"Yeah" said Connor 

"We don't wanna run out of ammo, so, we are gonna have to break their necks" said Casey 

"Sounds alright" said Connor

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