Chapter 3

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Casey, Carrie, Dakota and Corona got out of the tank one by one
"You must be Sergeant Field" said a guy
"Yeah, that's me" said Casey
"I'm General Connor Booth" said the guy
"Nice to meet you, Sir" said Casey
"Those boys over there are the loose cannons that Williams told you about" said Booth
"What exactly did they do" asked Casey
"Let's just say, never send them on a Covert operation" said Booth
"Alright" said Casey
"And once you're done introducing yourselves go to the Air Base and we'll finish this conversation later" said Booth walking away
"Come on Troops" said Casey and they walked over
"Hey, who're you" asked a guy
"Sergeant Casey Field" said Casey
"Oh, I thought you'd be different" said the guy
"You mean you thought I'd be a guy" said Casey
"I'm Sergeant Dexter Rocks" said Dexter
"You should have said that sooner" said Casey
"Okay" said Dexter
"I'd like to introduce my team" said Casey
"Hi, I'm Private Corona Winchester" said Corona
"Nice to meet you" said Dexter
"I'm Corporal Dakota Valley" said Dakota
"Nice to meet you" said Dexter
"Major Carrie Jones" said Carrie
"Guys" yelled Dexter and a bunch of scruffy looking guys ran up
"What" asked the one in the middle
"Introduce yourselves" said Dexter
"I'm Private Charlie Glover" said Charlie holding his hand out
"I don't shake hands" said Casey and Corona moved her out of the way
"Don't worry, I do" said Corona shaking his hand
"I'm Zach and I'm not weird" said Zack and they all looked at the last guy who was possibly standing at 5 foot 9
"I'm just Cole" said the guy
"Well, The General wants to see us" said Casey
"Great" said Dexter

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