Chapter 7

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"I can't believe it" said Dexter
"What" asked Dakota
"Nothing" Dexter replied
"Come on, we are a dysfunctional team, you can tell me" said Dakota
"What he means is that he thinks Casey is hot and he's jealous of that guy from New Zealand" said Charlie
"I am not" said Dexter
"It's okay. If I was a man and I saw Casey, I would be stuttering and saying things like I desperately want to make love to a school boy" said Dakota
"Nice going. Kota" said Corona
"I'd be stuttering. A lot like I am now" said Dakota looking at Charlie
"Just be glad you're not stuttering" Charlie said to Dexter
"What's that supposed to mean" asked Dexter
"If I was a woman and I saw you, I'd be all over you" said Charlie
"Say that without making me want to puke" said Dexter
"What I'm trying to say is, women find you attractive" said Charlie
"Casey has made it clear in her own way that she's not interested" said Dexter
"She bitch-slapped you" said Charlie
"No, why would you assume something like that" said Dexter before they heard a boom
"What the hell" said Dakota and they looked at the base
"There's nothing wrong with it" said Charlie
"Clearly" said Corona and they heard gunshots
"Maybe they're just killing the guy from New Zealand" said Dakota and Dexter turned the Jeep on
"Holy mother of Christ" he said when he saw Casey
"Where's the others" asked Charlie
"Move" said Casey and Dexter moved
"What exactly happened" asked Dexter
"Oh, Prince Charming was killed and got Carrie, Zack and Cole caught but, Zack and Cole weren't smart enough to follow my lead and Carrie went back for them after we kicked some Iraqi bastards asses and got caught and I could hear you from inside the base" said Casey
"I'm guessing the Iraqi Soldiers could too" said Dexter
"They thought you were tourists" said Casey and she talked through the walkie talkie telling them to blow the gate and that she would get more back up
"So, What do we do now" asked Corona
"Is there combat gear in the back" Casey asked Dexter
"Enough for eight" said Dexter
"We'll get the combat gear on and then we'll blow this popsicle stand" said Casey

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