#32 - The Blackmailer

Start from the beginning

Annabeth gave her a sheepish look.

Leo gave them curious looks. "Have you had sex?"

Annabeth was about to say "yeah" before she comprehended the question. "No, no!" she yelped. "Oh my God, Leo!" she said frustratedly, burying her face in her hands.

"I'm sorry," Leo protested, though he didn't sound that sorry.

Annabeth groaned into the back of her hand as Percy looked like the blood rushing to his head was about to make him explode.

"Are you in love?" Hazel amended.

"I guess," Annabeth mumbled.

"Reassuring," Percy muttered. She kicked him in the shin.

If Annabeth had thought that gossip had been bad before, it was nothing compared to now. Word travelled fast, and by the end of the day, pretty much everyone knew that she and Percy were dating.

"People keep telling me 'congratulations'," Annabeth informed Percy frustratedly as she slid into the seat next to him. She scanned the room, seeing curious looks sent her way. "It's not like a won a prize."

"I mean," Percy interjected. "You kind of did." He shot her a beaming grin.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Alright, stop it already."

It was Math, their final lesson of the day. Annabeth was glad; she was so dizzy from all the questions her friends had bombarded her with.

Calypso's texts never ended, and she could've sworn her phone had tried to commit suicide by vibrating itself off the table.

"Drew's not bothering me anymore," Percy told her.

Annabeth hid a triumphant smirk. "That's nice."

Percy studied her expression. "You were jealous, weren't you?"

Annabeth blatantly ignored him, staring straight ahead at the board. "I don't get jealous," she insisted.

Percy grinned. "Mhm, sure. So should I go find Drew now?"

Annabeth glared at him.

"I'm kidding," he whispered with a chuckle, sliding his hand into hers under the table.

Annabeth felt her breath catch in her throat when Percy's hand brushed her thigh. "Don't flirt with me in class," she hissed.

Percy stifled a smile. "Why not?"

"Because I might have to drag you off to the bathroom in the middle of the lesson."

"Annabeth! Percy!" the teacher barked.

Annabeth and Percy sprang apart. She tried to school her expression into one of nonchalance, while Percy failed miserably.

"Do you have something to share with the class?" the teacher demanded.

"Nope," Percy popped the 'p' in a tone impertinent enough to make Annabeth want to punch him.

The teacher eyed them sternly. "Good."

Annabeth tried to keep her cheeks from going to red as she felt Jason and Hazel's gazes boring into her head from the back of the classroom.


"You guys seem different."

Percy straightened his posture. He and Annabeth were at the police station, talking the case over with James and the other detectives.

As James studied their expressions curiously, Percy swallowed.

"Oh, they're dating, you dumbass," Sabrina grumbled as she walked past them.

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