~Mystical Hand of the Anorous Monk, Miroku~

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I was now on my own..I was in a village close to the mountains, in my human form..I was looking around for healing supplies "here you go, some herbs for your travels" I grabbed them bowing to the lady "thank you" I placed it in my bag as I continued along.

"Now let's see..I need to pick up my sword from the blacksmith, and get myself new clothes..the ones I have are torn from that last job" I sighed as I put the list away *i wish I was with Sesshomaru..but a girl like me must go on her own, plus the Fox exams are coming up..I need to prepare myself*

I stopped in front of the smiths shop "you sure it's with the fang of a serpent?" I asked holding it up "yes..perfect to slay any demon!" I sheathed my sword into its Sheath placing it to my right "thanks again..say you know any good clothe shops here?" I asked "yes..there's a women ten stores down who makes clothing. She can help you" "thanks" I walked out heading down to the place.

As I continued along the path, I heard something in the distant "is that a demon?" I took action turning into my real form, heading in the direction. I followed the scent of someone familiar, someone that I've seen not too long ago "this scent can't belong to.."

I felt the wind pick up, the scent wasn't familiar. But it was strange, I jumped towards the opening seeing Inuyasha, Kagome and two others "it was them..but that guy..is he a nobleman?" I saw strange pearls on his hand, was something wrong with it.
"Huh? Hey it's you!" I was spotted by the girl named Kagome, they all turned to me "uh..hi."

"Why are you here?" Inuyasha asked "I didn't come here to fight..I was just trying to get my things, until I heard something from here. I really mean no harm!" I said holding my hands up "Inuyasha..she has two shard of the jewel! Both in her tail." "That makes a difference..hand them over, and I won't have to cut you!"

"Please! I need these jewels for my tail..until I find a spell that can heal it!" "Spell?" I took the jewels out showing what I mean, my tail went from fluffy..to no fur at all "what the.."
"This happened one night after my village burned down..the foul demon ripped every fur off my tail.." I said placing the jewels back.

"If you don't mind me asking..what was the name of this demon?" The monk asked "I can't remember..but I knew he was someone I want to kill ever since, I remembered he has black hair all the way down his back.."

"Tell me..is this person named, Naraku?" (Btw it's turning night)
"I don't know if that was his name..but I remember what he looked like, he turned into someone with white hair..and purple markings on his face, he had a sun on his forehead. I believe he turned into my uncle, Yachi..but enough about me..that hand, it has the power of a black hole, correct?" I asked

"How'd you know?" He asked "well..the scent I smelled like a black hole, I'm able to detect what kind of spell someone uses. But..the hole is a danger to anyone even yourself, are you not aware of how much it can damage your body?" I asked "he's aware.."
"Are you worried for my fate?" He asked "uh..I guess.."

He came close and held my arms "what are you.." "bear me a son" I blinked a couple of times before I blushed and screamed "the hell! I would do no such thing to a monk! Besides..I have a future ahead of me, with my beloved..who I don't know where he even is.."
"Your married?" Kagome asked "well..not really. But he's a nice man, and I'm hoping he asks me to be with him forever."

"Anyways..Inuyasha, why don't we take her along. Once we find all the pieces, we might find a spell for her tail. And she'll give us the shards" I nod at her words "it's true..once the spell is found, I'll hand over my shard of the sacred jewel. And that's a promise.." I said Boeing towards them "it's settled then..but you better keep that promise!"

"Of course.."

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