~Showdown! Inuyasha vs. Sesshomaru!~

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(Skipping a bit but it'll be recapped now)

After finding the black pearl in Inuyasha's right eye..me Jacken, and Sesshomaru go to where his fathers tomb is. That's where he tried to draw the sword but was unable to.

Inuyasha came and tried to battle Sesshomaru, then the girl named Kagome yelled saying to get the sword and us it against him. Inuyasha tried to draw it, but couldn't for some reason..that's when Sesshomaru and Inuyasha got into a fight, Sesshomaru was about to end him..but Kagome, a human mortal Drew the sword from its pedestal making everyone shocked

"I..impossible..how did a mer mortal draw the sword. Unless..it was only shocking ones with demon blood, and since she's a mortal.."

"Chula, take care of her" I turn to Sesshomaru then back at the girl "gladly.." I cracked my hand as I got ready my claws, I went towards her with poison in my claws.

Poison Waves!

The wall melted collapsing onto Kagome "Kagome!" I giggled in amusement "shes dead.." I felt strange..what was this feeling? *why do I feel..guilty?*

Sesshomaru and Inuyasha we're back to battling each other, Inuyasha was flown towards the wall as he kept getting hit with Sesshomaru's poison.
I walked over to Jacken thinking *it is because..I use to help humans in the past..before I was known as a demon wolf?*

Back in my past..us spirits would always help humans destroy demons that terrorized their homes. One day when I went to help a village with a demon problem, that day I got back..I was different, my skin had marks all over it..my teeth full of blood, eyes wide in shock.

I didn't know what I did, it was all a blur to me. But I was kicked out because of something I couldn't remember

"Why..why does my heart fell..guilty for what I've done?" I questioned in a low tone, Inuyasha attacked Sesshomaru twice "Sesshomaru!"

Why did he care for that girl? Does he..love such a mortal? I looked over at where the girl was killed..seeing her alive "hey you! You tried to kill me didn't you!" I was so confused on how she was alive, Kagome handed inuyasha the sword.

"How the hell..is she still alive?" I asked "don't ask me!" Sesshomaru sent a powerful aura, what was he doing? Was he transforming or something?
His former started to change form Human looking form, to his demon form "he's huge!"

Inuyasha went towards him not even denting him, he attacked and attacked sending a green smoke around the ground "Jacken, get on my back.." I said as I started to transform as well.

Once I did, Jacken jumped in my tail as I started flying above the poison ground. I saw the girl also trying to escape "why are you looking at her?" Jacken asked "Kagome! Grab on! You too, flee"
"Why should I?! You tried to kill me!" She yelled "ya I know..and I regret it. But I can talk later, get on or else you might die here!" I shouted, her and the flee got in as I continued to fly upwards to the exit.

Once we were out, Kagome jumped down yelling Inuyasha's name. Jacken also jumped down as I turned back "that took some energy out of me.." I said looking at my hand

"He's not match for lord Sesshomaru! He can't even use that sword!" Jacken said waving his staff "don't be so sure..even if he's a dumb half-breed, he can still figure things out." I said as the sword grew bigger "what the!?"
"What I tell you..I don't what he said but..he must've said something that made Tessaiga show it's real form." I said crossing my arm watching the battle continue.

Sesshomaru went to attack..but Inuyasha sliced his arm off "not good!" His arm was bleeding out a lot of blood, I was worried if he was going to die here. I saw Inuyasha attack once again, I stepped forward shaking "Chula?"

"Sesshomaru!" I turned into my fox form as Jacken jumped on *please be okay..*


We were back in the normal world, I checked Sesshomaru's arm seeing if there was a way to fix it "so? Can you fix it?!" Jacken asked "it can be fixed..but I don't have the power to fix it.."
"What do you mean?! You're a Fox Demon! Aren't you suppose to have powers to fix others?!" Jacken shouted "those are Fox Spirits..I'm a demon, not a spirit!" I yelled

"So..how do I get my arm back?" Sesshomaru asked as I sighed "by a spell..or finding a new one, which'll take a while..since finding the right arm is tough"
"Why doesn't be just take your arm?" Jacken asked "are you nuts?! I would never lets anyone have any of my body parts, so you can cut that idea off your list!" I yelled at Jacken

"Lord Sesshomaru..I promise I'll find the spell, or an arm just for you..I've finished serving you, but I would like to continue helping you with anything you need..if that's okay" I said smiling at him "do whatever.."

*Lord Sesshomaru..thank you once again*

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