~Night of a new Moon~

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I was still traveling with Sesshomaru and Jacken, but I'll soon go on my own. So I decided to take a job to get me some money, but I was scared cause of one thing..it was a new Moon! And that was bad for someone like me

"Why do you wanna find a village so fast?" Sesshomaru asked as I hurried "cause it's a new moon soon..and I don't want to fight a demon on a night like this!" I shouted "I don't get it..what so wrong about a new moon?" Jacken asked "nothing really..it's just the effect that it has on me"

"Effect? What kind of effect?" Jacken asked "I..I don't want to talk about it! Let's just hurry and find a village before it becomes dark!" I shouted hurrying along "I didn't think Fox demons can be effect by a new moon..did you milord?"



We looked everywhere..but there wasn't a village for another mile or so. We stopped to where the house was where the demon is, I hid behind some bushes hiding my from "I don't get why you have to hide your form. It's not like we'll judge you"

"It's embarrassing! I don't like letting people see me like this!" I shouted from the bushes "this is starting to waste my time..we can't just wait here for the sun, so let's go-!" Sesshomaru moves the bush out of the way revealing the state I'm in "what in the.." "you're tiny!"

"And this is why I hide myself from others!" I said standing up and running towards Sesshomaru's fur, he grabbed my tail bringing me up to him "can't you turn back?" He asked "yes..but I don't have my powers..I can turn human and not demon.."

"Then turn human for all I care..why didn't you do that in the first place" he asked as I turned human "it's easier for me to hide from others.." I said pouting "let's just get this done..it's weird seeing you like this.."

"Hold on!" I quickly grabbed my sword from the grass placing it to my side "now let's go! Even tho I don't have my powers..I can still use my sword!" I said "lets just hope you don't get killed off the back" Jacken said


"It's quiet.." "too quiet.." I was frightened "Sesshomaru..the demon is very skilled in hiding, so please watch out.." I said holding my sword up "ya don't need to worry..Jacken. Jacken? Jacken!"

I turned seeing he was gone "w..where'd he go?!" I asked scared "that demon must've gotten to him.." Sesshomaru said standing still, I felt something fly through my hair "S..Sesshomaru.." "hey!"

"Well..seems like I found a real cutie"

The demon came out of hiding "a hawk demon?" He turned to his normal form holding me in his hands "I'm called, Tarcel..and I'm looking for a lovely lady to be my bride, and I think I found the one just for me.."

I blushed as I tried to wiggle out "let me go! I don't want to be anyone's bride! And besides..my heart belongs to another!" Both there eyes widened after my words "and who might he be?"

"His name is Koga! He's the real man I love!" I yelled "Koga? You mean that wolf I've heard about? Don't make me laugh..he isn't good enough for someone like you, just forget him and marry me.." he inched closer to my face "S..Sesshomaru!"

That means poison claws

He separated us using his claws "Lord Sesshomaru!" We saw Jacken run in with his staff "where'd you go?!" I yelled "this demon captured me! I was lucky I was able to escape" j rolled my eyes as I stared at the demon "you foul beast..you would save a mer mortal, could it perhaps be..you love this mortal girl?"

"Huh?!" What the hell is going on?! "What nonsense..Chula stay back.." he was about to attack, but the hawk was gone, he looked around trying to find him. I felt something grab my arm "Got ya.." I screamed in fear "Chula!"

"Chula? A name of a fox huh..so you're a demon that's effected by the moon, what a perfect wife for me!" I was scared..I didn't want to marry a bird! Koga was my love! Or was he?

"Hands off her!" Tarcel blocked with his wings "so you do love her..guess maybe I should find someone who's..more into me then a mutt. But first.." he stabbed his left wing into my arm, I fell to the ground bleeding
"Now she'll die..and as for you, huh? Where'd you-!"



My eyes fluttered open as I saw the blue sky "how'd I..my powers are back" I look over seeing something "is this the reward?" I asked grabbing it "yes..it's the money you need right?" I look up seeing Sesshomaru "Sesshomar-" I tried getting up, but I felt so much pain in my arm..it stinged so much.

"You got hit by his wing, it'll heal in less then two days. For now..rest, we'll meet again soon" he turned heading towards the forest "wait! You're not staying?" I asked him "you want me to stay?" I blush as I turned away

"No it's not that but..I just thought maybe, you'd like to stay till night fall" I saw Jacken walk in telling Sesshomaru where the next area was "take care" he left making me feel strange "what am I feeling?! I can't love him! I love my beloved wolf, Koga! Then again..I haven't seen him for such a long time! And I've been with milord ever since he saved me..am I really in love with him?" I stood up heading to the door seeing him walking away.

Who do I love more? Koga or..Sesshomaru

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