|| Fuck My Liver. pt 8 ||

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|| this the last one, y’all ain’t ready for this shit ||

Riley’s dragged his bare feet through the snow, his eyes searching his city with an angry sort of determination. The roof tops had caught his attention, his mind at work with height estimates. He set his sights on one down the street from the park he was in, spotting what he was hoping was a fire escape.

Riley was done with all the shit happening to him. He hated not being able to be happy for more than an hour without the tide turning on him, throwing him back under the waves when he’d barely caught his breath.

His breath came in shakily, his lungs refusing to allow him further. He could no longer feel his body, the freezing air giving him a sadistic comfort. He laughed wryly in his head, amazed at how his body feels like he does. 

His knees give out under him, fatigue and hypothermia catching him by surprise. He lets out a yelp as he collapses in the freshly fallen snow, laying in a crumpled heap in the street. Tears spring into his eyes as his jaw clenches, a bright hot rage filling him. With all his might, he lifted his head and he screamed. He screamed and screamed and screamed, tears sliding down his pink cheeks. He screamed until hai throat went raw, until his lungs felt torn in his chest.

He let himself lay there as the snow fell, as soft and quiet as ever.

“Idiot…” he growled to himself. He couldn’t even kill himself right. He’d barely made it halfway, and there he was, cold and alone.

Riley rolled into his back, staring at the starry sky. His body gave up on him a while ago, the violent shaking now complete. Now, he just lay there, hopeless.

His eyes refused to stop producing tears, and Riley was past wiping them. He looked up at the sky, remembering when he and Yuuto used to do the same.

× ×

“Riley, I swear to God, it’s right there!!” Yuuto whined, pointing up at the sky. The pair were laying on the roof of Riley’s apartment building, a blanket laid clumsily beneathe them. The warm summer air surrounded them, the hustle and bustle of the city background noise to their blissful symphony.

Riley was teasing Yuuto, pretending not to see the constellation he’d found. “Yuuto, I think you’re blind. That’s clearly the moon, not Orion’s belt.”

The moon was in the opposite direction Yuuto was pointing.

Catching on, Yuuto sat up, glaring playfully at Riley. He looked so beautiful, the moon giving him an almost angelic glow. Riley smiled at him, his one and only angel. “Youre so cute when you’re mad,” Riley said, smirking at Yuuto's sudden blush.

“Oh shut up…” Yuuto muttered, leaning down slowly. He out a hand next to Riley’s head so as to hold himself over his partner. Riley could feel his heart pounding in his chest, wondering if Yuuto could hear it in the summer stillness.

“Or what?” Riley taunted, eyes flicking from Yuuto’s lips to his eyes, smirk widening on his face. Yuuto chuckled at that, low and seductive.

“Or else…” he leaned in, so close Yuuto’s hair brushed Riley’s skin. Riley held his breath, waiting for the kiss he was sure would come.

“I’ll tickle you!!” Yuuto squeaked.


Suddenly, Yuuto’s fingers attacked his sides, causing him to erupt with laughter. It came from his heart, bringing tears to his eyes. Yuuto laughed along with him.

Together, perfect.

× ×

Yuuto… Riley thought. He smiled at the memory, sighing as he closed his eyes.

Then his breath was no more.

The police found him in the morning, both with pushes from Andre and Tora’s reports.

Andre took care lifting his small, cold body from the snow. He held him so gently, caressing his pale face so softly it seemed he was scared it would shatter. His tears joined the frozen ones on Riley’s skin, rolling smoothly down his cheeks as if they were his own.

Andre’s body shook as he cried silently, men and women gathered around him with their caps over their hearts. Riley’s lips still held a fraction of their last smile, making him seem at peace.

His story finally ended. Just as he wanted it to so long ago.

Now the world can go on without him, the planet can keep turning as always has. The sun will rise and set, the weather change and the plants grow.

And he will be gone, having joined the stars in the sky, floating free and weightless.

Forever. Perfect.

|| sorry this one’s short lol ||

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