|| Tramp Stamp pt. 3 ||

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Later on in the evening, when the sun had set, the boys were once again having their average conversation. Right now, the group was feeling a bit childish, giggling and squealing about "cooties."

They were falling all over each other, Riley whining out, "Yuki, noooo~!!! I don't want your cooties!!" He attempted to escape after saying that, managing to do so, but falling off the bed with a loud 'thump! Yuki and Maven laughed at him as he grumbled from the floor, Maven peering down at him with a smile. Yuki was cackling, falling back as well, though luckily managing to remain on the mattressMaven could hardly catch his breath he was so overcome with mirth. 

The laughter died down, and though the silence grew, everyone was smiling from ear to ear. 

There were a few snickers here and there, but it was still quiet enough to hear Riley's phone go off, the usual "Daddy~!" emitting from its speakers. 

None were alarmed by this, and as Riley sat up he reached for the device. Yuki could see a few tufts of Riley's jet-black hair as he typed away at the screen. Maven knew that it was a message from Tora without Riley having said a word. Maven began to talk with Yuki so as not to arouse suspicion.



Okay, got some good pictures of the boys. 


what took you so long? -_-


We had a quick photoshoot


okay but why?


I needed to have updated photos!


,,,,just send me them


The photos sent almost immediately after that message, Riley taking a look through them. They were all relatively Yuki's style, Riley having a hard time choosing himself. 

Riley shrugged as he thought to himself, *so much for a surprise.* He then turned and climbed up on the bed, plopping face first into the comforter. Maven chuckled, patting his head. 

Riley rolled into his side, eyes locking with Yuki. "Yo." He said. 

Uncertainly, Yuki repeated it back to him. "Yo." The word felt strange and foreign coming out of his mouth. He vowed not to do it again. 

"So like, you remember how we were talking about bought thots?" Yuki sighed. How could he not? He hadn't planned to do *that* until they'd gone home; his schedule was thrown off. 

"Yes?" Yuki said, looking at Riley with suspicion. What did this boy do..?

"Well, pick one." Riley shoved the phone into Yuki's hands, the larger boy fumbling with it before securing a hold. Once he did he said, "What do you mean?"

Riley rolled his eyes at Yuki. "Y'know for someone who's so smart, you can be so dense sometimes."

Riley could practically see the gears moving in Yuki's head as he figured it out. When he did, he flushed slightly."Y-You don't mean...!" 

Riley nodded exaggeratedly, smiling wide. "Yes child. Pick a fuck buddy."

Yuki's eyes widened. "I couldn't! I can't! I...." His eyes met the ones of the boy on the screen, and his mind finished his sentence. 

I.... can't resist.

Without a conscious thought, Yuki studied the boy on screen, evaluating his small body in the skimpy clothes he wore. He found several things he liked, but certain things were off; eyes too small, hair too long. He scrolled to the next picture. Riley saw the evaluating look on his friend's face and smiled, triumphant.

Part of Yuki felt guilty for judging someone based on his looks,but Riley had appealed to Yuki's perversion. He reminded I

himself that this was how they chose to live, and that they were used to the critical eyes of the unseen. 

The next three men, though appealing to his tastes, didn't catch his attention. Maven and Riley were discussing the prices while Yuki made his choice. He was about to go with the second boy when he saw the next picture. 

He swore to God his heart stopped right then and there. The next boy was perfect, and if there were flaws, Yuki simply couldn't find them. 

This boy held himself with such poise, spine curved subtly and lips parted. He gave the camera an intensely seductive look, though his lips held the most innocent smile. He had a singular dimple on his cheek, and he wore nothing but a pink crop top and black panties, showing off the tramp stamp on his butt. It was a perfect heart with a bite taken out of it, and in the center Yuki could clearly read "delicious."

Though all this was enough to send Yuki to Sexy City, he was breathless for a different reason. 

He recognized this boy. How, he didn't know. Or at least, he didn't want to say. 

But nothing could change the fact that Yuki had seen those hands, those eyes, those lips in his dreams for years. 

Riley leaned over, interrupting him. "That one huh?" Riley smirked as he continued. "I'll admit, he's a looker." 

Yuki came back to reality with a start, eyelids like butterflies as they fluttered. "Huh?" 

Riley giggled, taking the phone and rolling back over into Maven's lap. "He's a bit pricey, but I can work with it. He's really good too, from what I've heard."

"Wait, I-I never said—"

"Ah, but you did." Riley smirked at Yuki, eyes darting from his crotch to his faces before he turned his gaze to his phone, thumbs tapping the screen. "Learn to control yourself, will ya? I'll send you the picture so you can have 'fun' later, Kay?"

Yuki flushed, putting a pillow over his groin. He ignores Riley's comment after that, instead asking, "What's his name?" 

Riley looked at Yuki out of the corner of his eye, pausing to do so. "Yuuto," he said slowly, finding it strange he'd wanted to know something like his name after seeing a picture like that. Then again, Yuki was always a gentleman. 

"Yuuto…" he murmured to himself. He wrapped his arms around the pillow, staring down at the sheets, though it seemed like he was a world away. 

|| viola! ||

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