|| Tramp Stamp ||

12 1 18

|| ehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe ||

“You can’t be serious.” The small, black-haired boy looked at his friend in surprise, an eyebrow raised as his pierced lips pulled into an unconvinced smile.

This boy was named Riley Lait, and he, Maven Aimery, and Yuki Enomoto all sat cross-legged on Yuki’s bed. The trio were the best known in the school. Riley, the insensitive top dog, Maven, the pure prince, and Yuki, the mysterious “boy with a book.”

They were gathered for no special occasion, just coming here after school. Yuki’s mother always gave them sandwiches, and for something so simple, they were quite delicious. And you know how boys are ruled by their stomachs.

Currently, they were having a normal conversation between men. And, as per the norm, they were talking about sex. Or, more specifically, prostitutes.

What were you expecting? None of these boys are interested in sports. What else could they possibly talk about?

“Yuki, you’ve really never heard about a prostitute?” Riley asked incredulously. When this topic had been brought around, Yuki had looked very confused, saying, and I quote; “I didn’t know you could do that.”

Now, Yuki managed to stutter out, “W-Well I have, I just didn’t know what— that it had a name…” He looked down at his lap with a red face, fidgeting with some of his long plum-colored hair.

“Yuki, even I’ve heard of it,” Maven said, butting in. He was remarkably calm for a situation like this. Usually, he’d be a blushing mess over something as small as a look. Unlike most times, he held high head upright, peering through his curtain of turquoise hair.

Yuki made a strange noise in the back of his throat as a reply, bringing his hands up to hide his face.

Riley then said in a monotone voice, “I’ve had a prostitute once, though they were boring as hell….” He idly traced the patterns on Yuki’s blankets, resting his head on his hand. Yuki felt his face color, looking down at his crossed legs.

“Jared had one once, too, though he had me promise not to tell.” Maven smiled softly, also looking down.

Riley’s head snapped up, suddenly interested. “Well, just in time. My teacup needed a refill.” He looked at Maven, curiosity dancing in his grey eyes. “Spill.”

Yuki looked up now, too, both boys eyeing the third member of their group curiously.

Now was the time for Maven to redden, the color in his cheeks running over, coloring his ears the same shade. “W-Well, me and Jared were having a weekend together at one of our other residences, since things were getting hectic at the castle. It was the year Jared would be turning 18, so… about two years ago?” He looked up, squinting into space as if searching his mental archive.

“Anyways, we had spent the night, and I was in the guest house because Jared said he needed the main house for the night. I really didn’t mind too much, because the bed was comfy. But um….” Maven shifted awkwardly, glancing between the two boys and looking down again before continuing. Yuki saw Riley smile.

“I-I got scared, so I went into the house to find Jared. And I did find him. But uh… naked.”

Maven’s eyes seemed distant, as if remembering the scene. After a moment, he shuddered.

“Well? Why did Jared make you keep it a secret?”

Maven flicked his head to move the hair from his eyes, looking into Riley’s. “Well, there were the two obvious reasons. One, our parents would probably be angry, and two, he is a prince. We don’t want any more issues over Jared’s… mischief.” Maven looked pointedly at his folded hands, pushing his lips together in a thin line while widening his eyes slightly. Riley snickered at his expression, while Yuki gave a small chuckle as he smiled.

“But really…” Maven looked over both his shoulders comically, leaning forwards. Both boys, playing along, leaned forwards as well. Facing the middle again, he put a hand beside his mouth, eyes flickering between the two sets looking at him intently.

“It was because the prostitute was a boy.”

Both boy drew back with a gasp, though Riley being much more dramatic about it. “No!!” The pierced boy exclaimed in shock. Though, Yuki suspected, he was over exaggerating; his eyes were so wide, you could nearly see all the way around his monochrome iris.

Maven nodded solemnly, closing his eyes as he nodded. “It’s true.” Yuki put a hand over his smiling mouth, saying in false shock, “But it couldn’t be!! Prince Jared, a homosexual?”

Maven opened his eyes, shrugging. “I don’t know.” This made the other two let out booming laughter, Maven joining in. Their voices harmonized, Yuki’s being the deepest, then Riley’s, then Maven’s.

Such a blessed symphony from the gods…

“Oh my God, bet that was the moment that made Maven gay,” Riley said as he laughed harder, eyes closing as he clutched his side. Yuki let out a small laugh, eyes widening a minor degree as a hand moved up to his mouth. Maven blushed bright red, then protested, “N-No!! Definitely not, ew!!”

“Okay, purity prince.” Riley replied with a smirk, causing Maven to seek refuge in his hands. Yuki allowed himself to laugh at the adorable boy across from him. He reached out and patted his head softly, a smile lingering on his lips.

Riley sighed, wiping non-existent tears from his eyes. Maven gave him a glare, though it was more of a cute pout. Riley smiled, leaning forwards and kissing his nose.

Yuki felt a strange mix of emotions churn in his chest. Ever since Riley and Maven had officially started dating, he’d always felt weird when they did couple stuff. Of course, he was happy for them. Definitely.

He just felt a bit… lonely.

You see, though Yuki was terribly attractive, not to mention kind, considerate, and just intense boyfriend material, he’d never really had any meaningful relationships. He always had this feeling he just didn’t have the right one. And so he was always searching for him. The boy in his dreams.

Ever since he could remember, he’d always had these dreams of a boy. He never got to see his face, only small things; his small, delicate hand in his, a golden wedding band on his finger. A pair of lips, curved into a smile. Yuki always awoke from those dreams with a smile on his face.

Yuki knew he wasn’t ever going to settle until he found him. The One.

Yuki hadn’t realized he had spaced out, but was brought abruptly back down to earth by Riley’s hand waving in front of his face.

“Hello~ Earth to Yuki~…” Riley looked at him, raising his brows when Yuki’s violet eyes met his. Yuki blinked several times, shaking his head a bit. “Ah, s-sorry..,” he mumbled in apology, a small smile tugging the corners of his lips upwards.

“It’s fine. But really, when will you stop randomly internally monologuing to yourself? Geez…” Riley shook his head, taking on a look mocking that of disappointment. Maven gave a chuckle, and Yuki looked down bashfully. Riley was right, he did do this often.

But I don’t often monologue to myself… He thought. Maybe he should start doing that.

Yuki instantly rejected the thought. He didn’t want to be like those lonely anime protagonists just yet.

“But like I was saying, Yuki…” Riley brushed his bangs from his eyes. “Since me and Mavie have had experiences with bought-thots, we thought you should, too.”

Yuki’s face flooded with heat, and he managed to stutter out, “Wh-What exactly are you implying?”

Riley looked at him, somewhat annoyed. “Yuki, we think you should buy a prostitute.”

|| ahahahahaaa yes ||

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