|| Amnesiac ||

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|| Based on the song “Donut Hole,” mushed a little with “Ikanaide.” ||

A blonde boy, soft face, violet eyes. His eyes glittered with tears, and they spilled from them down his cheeks like rivers. He stood there, on the brink of collapse. His eyebrows tilted upwards, lips turned down in a trembling grimace.

The boy’s plump lips moved with no sound, though Yuki could make out the words they formed. “Please,” he whispered.

“Don’t leave me.”


Yuki woke with a gasp, sitting up in bed. His breathing came in quick, short gasps, and his eyes didn’t blink as he stared at his sheets. Though tonight was cool, Yuki wore only sweatpants, his bare skin covered in a light sheen of sweat. He ran a hand through his long hair, struggling to remember.

For months the same dream haunted him, woke him in the middle of the night. And he wasn’t afraid, but he also had no idea what it was supposed to mean. No one knows what their dreams mean most of the time. But the problem wasn’t with Yuki not knowing the meaning.

The problem was he didn’t know the person.

Yuki felt like he knew the boy, but he simply couldn’t remember. Not his name, his voice. Shoot, he couldn’t even remember if they’d been friends.

The memory of that face tore Yuki apart. Every time he remembered him, he felt like there was a gaping hole in his chest, hurting and aching for the sadness of this boy. Yuki thought, maybe if he saw him again, he’d remember everything, feel…. Complete. Unbroken. Whole. And that’s even if this boy existed in the first place.

A few months ago, Yuki had been with his parents, returning from a family vacation to Japan. As they were waiting by the curb for their ride to arrive, a vehicle came around the corner and swerved towards them. Before the family had time to move out of the way, the vehicle hit them.

Others who witnessed the tragedy had called the hospital, but when the ambulance arrived, it was too late for Yuki’s parents. Luckily, Yuki, though bleeding and injured, was still alive; his father had pushed him and his mother out of the way, though his mother wasn’t as lucky as her offspring. Yuki appeared to have no severe damage done to him, only a few bone fractures and blood loss, along with a concussion.

At the hospital Yuki was examined and bandaged, examined for anything that might affect his health. Everything checked out; he was fit to leave once he healed.

Then Yuki awoke, and the final test came.

"Wh-Where am I?” Yuki asked a nurse, startling her. He’d been out for a few days due to the accident.

“You’re in Airo City Hospital.” She replied simply.

Yuki’s brow furrowed slightly. “Where is that?”

That instantly set up alarms. Doctors came in, interrogating him.

“What are your parent’s names?”

“What city do you live in?”

“Do you remember anything from the other day?”

Yuki began to become concerned for himself, scared, even.
“No, I-I don’t remember . . .” He said.

The doctors did some scans on his brain, and finally the doctors concluded that the collision had given Yuki amnesia, but to be sure their theory was correct, they wanted at least one more test. The next day, they brought in his aunt.

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