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Excuse the Grammar, this is a brand new chapter. The engagement for this book is falling not sure what to do. 😱🥺I may just wrap things up.

Followed by my conversation with Trevon, I found myself phoning Riah and Naomi before making a final decision which we finally agreed on me giving him a chance to redeem himself.As much as I wanted to turn around and go home. I found myself walking in the direction of my local park to meet Dwayne whilst meditating on the beautiful word of encouragement Naomi gave me on "Forgiveness." Trevon even offered to tag along, which I was quick to decline as that would've just resulted in flames. Knowing Trevon he would have made things proper uncomfortable and escalated the situation. As far as I was concerned there was absolutely nothing for me and Dwayne to talk about.

"Dami" I heard a familiar voice yell, which caught me off guard as I had just reached the park door and was too busy searching for Isaiah teething toy. It was only at the second yell, did I look up to meet eyes with Satan himself. 🤣🤣

Walking towards him, I felt my palms sweat. I could not believe the sight in front of me. He had evolved and looked completely different. I could not help notice the difference in weight from his once skinny frame to his gym body. As much as he evolved physically, I was really hoping maybe I could say the same mentally.

"You alright?" He stated, as he watched me pull the turn the buggy so that Isaiah was in front of me as I sat at the far end of the park bench.

"Good" I responded sharply, whilst taking out Isaiah from his buggy as he was moments from crying from his teeth ache.

"Look I'm sor-" Cutting him off midway his sentence "This ain't about you and me. It's your time to spend it with Isaiah." I intervened, as much as I had dreamt of this day for him to apologise. This certainly was not the time or place for us to be discussing the past especially in such a public environment whereby anybody could
be watching or listening to us. Besides he had already sent me a lengthy paragraph the other day apologising. It just wasn't something I was trying to hear again.

"Yeah your right... He is actually soo beautiful " Dwayne cooed, as he observed a moody Isaiah playing with his teething toy shoving it in his mouth. He continued, "Can I hold him?" He asked, which I felt I had no choice but to say "yes" as I did not want to come out as the villain today.

"Yeah" I stated, which he responded by moving closer to me. I could not help notice the excitement in his face which made me for a slight second see beyond the pain he caused me. Dwayne certainly did have potential in being a good dad. It was a matter of the extent he was willing to go to earn that trust back and prove to not only me but everyone else how serious he really was.


"Don't you look like Daddy" Dwayne smiled, as he admired his son. I would be lying if I said that there interaction with one another was not beautiful. Isaiah was always fussy when it came to meeting new people. But when it came to Dwayne, it was as though he already knew that was his father.The chemistry was also immediate, the way Dwayne held his son with care and gentleness. Though we did not speak much, other than exchange single words as I wanted to give them both the time to get to know eachother. He took pictures with Isaiah, fed him and played with him. All of which I did not mind, as I was too busy updating the girlies and Trevon.

"Someone smells like they pooped, I think mummy can take over" Dwayne squeezed his nose, after smelling Isaiah bottom. I was moments away from laughing, but I had to hold it in. Me and Dwayne were not at the stage, where I felt was appropriate for me to be laughing at his jokes. There was boundaries to our relationship, that I did not want him to feel like everything was forgiven and we can go back to being 16 again.

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