Chapter 24

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The world is heavy, thick with air and cold heat, burying voices and memories in a dark silence of nothing. It’s dark, but bright. The air’s heavy; but not so much so as the blood. The world tips on the edge of wrongness, but also on the edge of normal.

It’s a glass snow globe, the outside polished and clear, appearing as if the little house on the other side is complete and normal. Inside the house is in shambles, broken furniture on the roof and the doorways lined with jagged grinning teeth and the carpets a wet tongue lolling around uselessly.

Kiera feels like the house, at once perfect, and yet destroyed. Whole and ruined.

Her mind claws for purchase on the world hovering just out of reach. She needs something physical; some sound, a touch, even a little bit of light to burn away the crawling darkness. Anything real.

For what feels like hours, Kiera floats at the edge of consciousness, grasping painstakingly at things that dissolve before she can get to them, before she can pull herself out of the endless pit. 

Something within her stirs, awakening from some deep slumber within her, forcing her need to wake fully. It’s not pain, nor it pleasure, but a weak, frail presence.

The next time something remotely real creeps into Kiera’s void, she attacks it with her weak mind. She forces through the endless drift of black until finally red seeps into the oblivion. Some distant part of her realizes its light.

Next comes the pain, a lingering spectacle.

For a moment, Kiera hovers on the edge. The heavy, endless darkness calls her back, slowly wrapping around her limbs like living creature ready to consume her. To move forward will surely bring back the pain.

The darkness becomes more insistent to the point where Kiera can’t feel her hands or feet, an insistent numbness taking over again.

The light’s low in the room, but still harsh to her eyes. She blinks away the blank world of darkness and white light, two sorely contrasting plains in her minds set. The pain she’d expected doesn’t ravage her strait away, which she’s thankful for. Instead the pain stays a weak shadow.

Her muscles tense as adrenaline pours through her veins; if she’s in pain, someone hurt her.

The room is empty, completely made up of white and middle toned greys except for the wall opposite her which is a pale olive green.

Before Kiera can think of struggling out of the bed her memories return.

She relaxes slowly. The people who put her here didn’t hurt her. Kadar appears again; teeth bore in a wicked wolf grin.

Other glimpse come back, these one’s clearer then the over exposed, blurry shapes like when she was running, but hazy in a way as if at the time her brain couldn’t hold ever piece of information and had discarded or locked up details.

First she remembers a mental jumbled of voices, someone pleading and lots of yelling. Hands grabbed her, pulling and moving her as pain shatters her very being.

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