"He Fell For Me" ||ayano X delinquent||Yandere simulator

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It was the next day and Ayano slept in. She changed her pajamas and looked at her uniform. Was her skirt always that short? It couldn't be- did her uniform shrink in the dryer? Her mind wondered off to that thought of Umeji walking her home- he probably lived down the street-, she took her time walking to school for some reason. Once she got to the school she noticed that the delinquents were behind her. She ran to her locker, not even worried about seeing senpai. "Ayano- y-your face!" She knew that voice. It was the male nurse, mujo kina "huh?" She looked at him "follow me! You should get rest!" Mujo said, leading her to the nurses office "I feel fine, mujo" Ayano said. "Trust me! You're paler than snow!" He said, as soon as he finish his sentence the door swung open, Umeji limped in, holding his arm. Ayano realized he was covered in blood. "Oh god!" He said nervously. Ayano looked over at him, she noticed that the blood most likely wasn't his. Mujo injected a syringe in umejis arm, it startled Ayano for a second "oh Ayano! I'm sorry!" Mujo said "I'm okay Mujo, I'm just pale." She said. He took umejis coat off and hung it up next to his bed. Then he unbuttoned his shirt, the injury was small so he could fix it. Mujo removed the bandages Umeji had around his torso. He cleaned it up and put different bandages on. Mujo looked over- and he saw Ayano, she was curled up into the bed. He had to wait for them to wake so he put the curtains around the beds. Soon Umeji woke, unsure of his surroundings.. he move the curtains over, his arm still hurting. "Well. I'm leaving." Umeji said in the doorway, but he noticed that familiar black hair peeking from the bed "who's that?" He said firmly. "Oh! It's Ayano!" Mujo said, busily "what happened to her?" Umeji said sharply "she was pale!" Mujo replied calmly.

Umejis pov: I thought Ayano was hurt.. I thought she'd gotten into a fight. I look up at that pathetic loser, mujo. I walked out of the room and see pippi, why isn't she in the computer lab? I walk to the roof, I sit down at a bench and try to think... what just happened? I noticed the bandages around me, did ayano see me like that..?

Ayanos pov:did I seriously fall asleep in the NURSES office? I let a yawn out, somehow Mujo heard me "you're up!" "Wh-what time is it?" I said, rubbing my eyes "you slept almost all day! It's 3:..." he looked at the clock for a few seconds "3:43!" He said "oh my god-" I said in disbelief "I couldn't have-" "welp! You did!" Mujo said to me, walking over to my bed "what kept you up?" He said, now looking into my eyes "I-..." I decided to tell him the truth, "I.. I.. don't know" "I.. sleep earlier.. and I sleep in.." I said, looking down "o-oh" he looked down with me. "Y-your skirt!" Mujo noticed.. I didn't think anyone would see it.. "is it's that bad-" I say, embarrassed "n-no! You have to focus to see it!" He looked into my eyes and smiled "thank you, mujo" I said "but.. the bell rung.. and I should head home.." I got up and began to walk. I hoped I wouldn't see Umeji.. that would be embarrassing..

Ayano walked home, she realized that Umeji wasn't leaving the school? She shrugged.. "why do I care" she thought, she laid down in her bed, she began to close her eyes, her eyes flung open! She raised herself up, her front door now open. She walked out of bed and saw gaku hikitsuri, one of the delinquents "wh- WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE?!" Ayano said pissed off. "Have you seen umeji, or is he in your basement ." Gaku said. "seriously?" She muttered, "d-DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?!" She continued. "It's 3am, so? We were gonna egg some houses" gaku said, wandering his eyes around her house. "So. You don't know where he is?" He said smartly. "Goddamit gaku I have no idea!" She raised her voice at him. "Well. Why didn't your parent wake instead?" Gaku said. "They are overseas." She said, calming her temper "now, I have to get to school tomorrow, so.. goodbye" she tried to slam the door, but it wouldn't shut
"gaku, you owe me a new door!" She said, looking into his eyes, then looking down, he moved his foot so the door wouldn't close "gaku- MOVE" Ayano said, now frustrated with him "you know what, whatever!" She then walked away to her room which was next to the couch, she shut her bedroom door "goodnight!" She yelled from her room, gaku walked into her house, he looked around, once he realized Ayano was right, he blushed, he walked out of the house and shut the door, that Was embarrassing.. he walked down the road, to his house, in the morning Ayano put on her semi-short dark blue skirt, and her school top, she put her stockings on, then her shoes, and she was out the door. "Am I early?" She thought, once she got there she saw taro yamada, she didn't care about him anymore, why would she?! She walked to a room with a large box, she sat on the box, a few minutes pass and she walks to her class, she sits at her desk, and looks down, thinking about what happened last night "hey.."A boy said "I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone-" Ayano replied, cutting him off. "Ayano." He said, his deep voice making her look up. "What?!" She looked up, it was umeji "so you sit infront of me?! Ugh, perfect" she said. "Why are you mad?" Umeji said, trying to look in her eyes. "I'm mad because one of your friends broke into my house!" Ayano said. "You're lying" he said "Umeji- you know what! Whatever" she put her head down, she completely lost her temper- if only someone else was there "Ayano. I'm not surprised.." he said "w-what?" Ayano looked at him "he's known for th-" before he could finish his sentence osano najimi walked past them blushing, he dropped a small gift on Ayanos desk, it had pink polka dot wrapping paper, she blushed a bit "what is that?" Umeji said, jealously "oh osano gave me a gift!" She said,
She opened the wrapping paper and saw a box of chocolates, she was surprised that osano would give her such a gift.. a few seconds of silence went by "wanna share?" She shared a grin with Umeji. "Sure" he said, she opened the box and took one of the heart shaped chocolates out, she took a bite. "How's it taste?" Umeji asked. Ayano whispered "like shit" she giggled. Umeji took one and took a bite. "You're right" he said, before they could take another one the bell rang. "Well, I guess class starts" Ayano said, putting the chocolates in her desk. The teacher looked surprised that umeji came to class, she wouldn't stop looking at him and stuttering. Once class was over it was lunch, Ayano didn't like lunch. She'd sit in the grass next to school. "Ayano!" a soft, calm voice yelled, it was amao, "Ayano! I was looking everywhere for you!" "I-I made you.. bento!" He said, handing her the bento "I thought you would.. like it!" "I noticed that.. you had nothing to eat!" He sat next to her. "Thank you amao. I really appreciate it.." "but.. I barely eat lunch" she said. "No wonder why you're so skinny!" He giggled. Ayano took the bento in her hands, it shocked amao, making him blush "you did spend your time making thos.. so I'll eat it! Just for you" she smiled  amao handed her chopsticks, and blushes "thank you" she nods, and takes a bite "this is.. amazing, amao!" She smiles. He puts his head down, blushing hard "Ayano—" he says, "what?" She looks at him "y-your s-skirt- I-its short-" he said blushing harder. "I-it shrunk.. I was gonna buy a new uniform.. but.. they're all sold out.." she said, looking down. "I'm sorry for bringing it up.." he said. "Oh it's fine, I don't mind" she looked back at her bento and continued to eat, once she was done she looked at amao, he moved his hand near Ayano's, just then the bell rang, Ayano went to the gardening club, she looked at it and watered it. She felt a presence behind her and looked up—
"Umeji!" "You startled me!" She said, getting up. "Ayano. Didn't you hear the bell ring?" He said. "I didn't?" She said, now standing up

Umejis pov
I look down at Ayano, her black ponytail, with "bangs" in look down at my shoes, my hands in my pockets.. but I notice.. her skirts to short..? "Um.. umeji?" She asks me "Ayano.. have you.. noticed that your skirt is too short?" I ask her "I- I'm sorry.. they aren't in stock right now and I can't find them anywhere-" she cuts herself off, she continues: "I'm sorry.." I think for a bit, than I take my coat off and tie it around her waist "umeji!" She says "this is your coat!". "It's better than getting suspended," I reply. "But school is over!" She says, "well, let's walk home" I reply, with a small smile

Ayano agrees to walking home with umeji, once at her house she unties the coat and tries to hand it to him. "No ayano, you can use it tomorrow, I'm sure I have an extra" he says, looking down at her. "No umeji. I'll be okay, only a few people have noticed" she said, "a few turns into a lot." He replied, barely giving her time to think. "Just.. use it till the skirts are in stock again" he said, smiling. "Really? Thank you.. umeji" she said, looking up into his eyes

Sorry for the long chapter :)

"He Fell For Me" ||ayano X delinquents||Yandere simulatorWhere stories live. Discover now