Old Recordings [ 2 ]

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The next morning

"Time to wake up team. It's nice and early. Get used to it." Everyone quietly groaned and J-Money sighed. "You all need to get your sleep schedule together. Anyways, before I watch you train, I've went through my sources and found one specific video of each of you that spited my interest."


"You have such a nice body shape you know..and I guess your personality could maybe even be a bonus?~" Novah did a fake smiled, trying to keep her temper and giggled. "Actually, I think I might change into something more..comfortable~" she whispered seductively into his ear and he did that signature grin he always do. She was sick of her 'boyfriend'. And she hated that damn smile. She met him at a party and they got 'intimate'. Or so he thought. They've been together since and Novah hated every fuckin second of it.

After a few minutes Novah came back into her room but still had on the same clothes. "I thought you went to go change babe?" "I'm not your babe." Novah pulled out a pistol with a silencer and pointed it at him. "Woah woah woah! What the hell do you have that for?!" She let out a deep sighed and rubbed her temples "to show you my nerf collection, what do you think I have it for?" "I thought we were finally getting on track Novah! Why? Why are you doing this?.." Tears started going down his cheeks but that only made Novah giggle "Because neither of us will be missed. See you in hell asshole." A quiet but swift noise could be heard within the apartment then silence. Blood trailed down the side of the walls and she sighed, setting the gun down on the dresser after. "This is the last time I do some dumb shit like this for a damned bounty." She mumbled to herself and made sure to clean up the mess, dispose of the body, and get her things. "Hm..I almost felt bad.." she shrugged after and left the apartment.


"█ee Y█un█. This is your target. The file includes information about him, a description of him, and his where abouts. You are to be done with the job by 11 pm at the latest." "I don't work on a time." Mateo glared at the guy but he pulled out a gun, aiming at Mateo. "And I don't work with children. Take the information and go. I don't have time to listen to your complaints." Mateo chuckled and grabbed the folder "Hey, just know you aren't the only one strapped here. Let's just hope that we wouldn't have to test who's aim is better." The teen shrugged, walking out of the room and that caused the leader growled. "I didn't know that boy was such a pain in the ass."

At this point Mateo was on top of an abandoned building, getting ready to finish his job. "Heh..you look even worse up close~" Mateo set his aim and pulled the trigger, killing his target within seconds. Screams were easily heard from far away and he chuckled to himself. "This shit just never gets old huh?" The boy quietly sighed and started to get his things together. He sent out a text but got a response "It's 11:02. Nice try kid." Mateo chuckled to himself and smiled "Two in one night? This'll be fun."


"Next we have in the ring, Tae and Midnight." Taes fight name did change. They found Tae as a nickname and didn't mention it. "No hits below the belt, no kicking and no biting. We want a fair fight ladies." The ref looked around into the crowd and spoke into his microphone "All betting areas are now closed. Are you two ready." Tae and Midnight nodded, touching gloves. "3, 2, 1-"

Ding Ding Ding!!

Tae and Midnight got in a fighting stance, circling each other. Midnight tried to throw first punch but Tae moves out of the way, swiftly punching her in the cheek. She stumbled back a little and Tae threw another punch. They tussled back and forth for a while but then it all came to a end. "Dumb bitch.." Midnight spoke under her breath and Tae snapped. She smiled at her before punching her clean out. When Midnights body fell limp to the floor Tae decided to let out all of her anger and continued to punch her in the face or in the chest. "Hey Hey Hey!! She's out cold!! Match over." The ref pulled Tae off of her and held up her arm, indicating she had won. Some cheers could be heard and some boos could be heard but Tae didn't care in that moment. She was just proud of herself for beating the absolute shit of her. Really? Someone tried to disrespect her? Especially while she's in the ring with her? That's not how it works. Tae had to make sure she shown that too. "Lucky bitch.." Tae mumbled under her breath as she looked over at Midnight out on the mat.

J-Money turned off the screen and looked at the three in front of him. "Novah, I expected no remorse. And that's what I received. You have your job as a distraction down pretty good so your training will be with weaponry."

"Mateo, I saw something's that were good traits and some that were not so much. A good one is that you finished your job with no problem and or hesitation. But let me tell you, especially since your dealing with someone like me. If I give you a certain time for something to be done, I expect it to be done within said time. No talk backs. On a good note though, you did show how fearless you were and that you don't mess around with your money."

"Tae, since flying won't always be an option, we need a fighter that is ready on sight. And that's exactly what we have thankfully. You're strong. We'll need that strength in many heist. One thing I forgot to mention is; you are also our driver. Not as in getting to locations. I don't give a shit about how you all do that, but to be more specific, a get away driver. It's not a necessarily need but a large want. Mateo and Novah could also drive but if it's a option I would want it to be you."

"Now, let's begin the training shall we?"

After that one sentence left his mouth, henchmen walked into the large space they were in and gun and knives were shown from a flipped wall.

"Oh and remember, have fun."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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