Chapter 3: Deskmates

Start from the beginning

"You did what? But Taehyung, I never said-"

"Um, I can move, it's no problem." Jungkook says as he starts collecting his things. He starts to stand up from the chair, but Taehyung reaches over him and blocks him with his arm, preventing him from doing so.

"No, Jungkook. It's okay." Taehyung says, redirecting his attention back onto Pete. "Petey, you said you wanted me to stop treating you like a child correct?"

"Well yes, but I don't see how that has anything to do with-"

"Then quit whining like one and go sit over there. It's not like it's going to kill you to be away from me for a little while." Taehyung says, pointing with his other hand towards an empty desk at the complete opposite side of the room. "Jungkook needs all the help he can get, so you can sacrifice your seat."


"Okay, class. Settle down, settle down.." An older gentlemen with a white lab coat says after walking into the classroom. "Get to your seats."

Pete glances from Jungkook, over to Taehyung, then sheepishly makes his way over to his new spot, leaving Jungkook with a feeling of slight guilt.

"As you are probably well aware, a new student will be attending our class. If you would, please stand up and get your introduction out of the way so we can start our lesson, posthaste." Dr. Slawter says.

Doing as instructed, Jungkook halfway stands up from his desk and mutters a simple, "My name's Jungkook, nice to meet you all." Then immediately sits back down.

"Great. Now, you'll all be happy to know that the shipments of rats got here safe and sound. Everyone only receives one, so I sincerely hope no one messes up. There is no room for error." Dr. Slawter says, going over to a large box that was stored in the corner of the room, containing a large amount of jars filled with liquid.

As Dr. Slawter starts handing out one jar per student, a few moans and groans, along with some "EWWWWs" fill the room, aside from Taehyung, who just looks at his jar in awe. "Cool!!" Taehyung says, smirking as he examines the dead rat floating around in the jar closely (to which he gets a few questionable looks as a result.)

"You will each get one scalpel, one magnifying glass, and one pair of forceps. When you are done with the tools, place them in the empty bin over there, so they can be properly sanitized." Dr. Slawter says, handing out a set of tools to each of the students, along with a pair of gloves. "Have you ever dissected a specimen before, Jungkook?" Dr. Slawter asks as he hands Jungkook his tools.

"No, sir. Never in my life." Jungkook replies, putting on his gloves.

"Well, this should be a rather momentous occasion for you, then. Just follow along with my instructions and you should be just fine."

"Don't worry Dr. Slawter, I'll be Jungkook's moral support." Taehyung says, patting Jungkook's back.

"Quite good." Dr. Slawter says, then starts heading back to the chalkboard.

"Isn't this exciting??" Taehyung says as he pulls his gloves over his hands, letting it smack against his wrist.

"I think I'm actually going to be sick..." Jungkook says as he watches the dead rat's lifeless body floating around in the liquid.

"Oh, quit being a little wimp. It's just a rat." Taehyung says, hastily unscrewing the jar's lid. As he removes the rat with his forceps, he plops it down onto the tray on his desk, causing Jungkook to jump back a little bit.

"Hey, be careful!! You almost got rat juice on me!"

"It's not rat juice. It's formaldehyde."

"Well, whatever juices it is, I don't want it near me."

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