Twentsix: The Ceremony

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Lizabeth's POV

The crowd was bigger than I had expected and the nervousness was setting in. My fingers play with the fabric of my dress as I take some deep breaths. Tonight was the night I became Countess Van Byrne of London, the whole thing was suddenly getting to me. I wanted to bolt out the door before anyone could see me. It's been one month and a few weeks since the war has officially ended and things are still very much rocky but I think we can eventually come to some agreement. Aurora has been my rock like always, just this time I can openly show her how much I love her. The very thought makes me blush and feel all funny.
I was happy or at least I was getting there. My parents were really accepting of me being with Aurora, my mom went as far as to say she suspected it from the beginning. Thankfully they didn't embarrass me.....yet. As if summoned by my thoughts the smell of citrus comes first followed by my beautiful sire sidling up next to me and wraps a possessive arm around me. Exotic red eyes glow with excitement when she looks down at me. I have to psychically pick my jaw up off the floor when I see what she wore. The dress that clung to her body like a second skin barely leaving too little to the imagination. My eyes drag over her long bare legs and up her very visible breasts.
Soft lips tugging on my bottom lip snaps me back to the present, I lean into her kiss and melt against her solid body. Aurora kisses me again even though it's quick and chaste it was still enough for my body to light up. "Ciao belladonna." She mutters against my lips.

I giggle and pull back just a bit feeling more at ease with her next to me. "How many languages do you know?"

She smirks and eyes me with a hungry look. "Enough to get you to cum five times over, this tongue is magical Bellissima signora."

Heat rises to my face and Aurora just watches me turn red with amusement. Since things have settled down I have seen more of this playful, open Aurora and I was loving every minute of it. We haven't gone any farther than kissing but it was agreed that there is an eternity for us to enjoy. It was nice to take things slow. This was my first real relationship and my first one with a woman in general. Being with Aurora was a lot easier than it was with anyone else I was intimate with.
Wrapping my arms around her neck I tippytoe to kiss her. My sire is smiling wide when I pull away. "You look beautiful," I tell her.

"Thank you, are you going to take it off of me tonight?" She teases.

I am saved from answering that because my family and best friends enter the room. They were all dressed to the nines even Lang for once. I do notice though that Anthony and Lang were awfully chummy and giggly with each other. This has been going on since the day of my attack apparently, they've grown close due to my injuries. Glad I could indirectly play Cupid. Ellie bounces over to me in a pretty lilac dress that really brings out her eyes, my friend hugs me tightly.
"Are you ready for this?"

"I'm just ready to start partying," I whisper to her before ending the embrace. She steps back laughing.

My father comes up to me and gives me a big hug that I accept gratefully. He feels just like he always has; a safe place to hide when the thunderstorms hit when you're a little kid. "You look amazing sweetheart. I couldn't be prouder of you kids."

I smile up at him and clear my throat and the tears brimming at the surface. "Alright, let's do this."


No nervousness is in me when I stride from out behind the curtain and into the grand hall where possibly hundreds of people stood. They had all come to acknowledge my rise to power. Without a man by my side might I add. Many of the faces I didn't recognize, higher-ups, and royalty of the land. However I did not fail to see the other races mixed into the crowd, some humans even befriended a Mythic family. I feel confident when I make a full stop at the front where my parents stood. Front and center was the rest of my family and friends, all of them beaming up at me. With my shoulders thrown back and my head held high, I look at my father. He looked proud and that's all I could ask for really; after everything I went through I think I am ready to rule London.
Silence falls in the hall and the Lord of London steps in front of me. "Lizabeth Guinevere Van Byrne, as firstborn you are the heir to the London Title. Under the sanctions put before you and the people gathered here today we may name you. Do you accept?"

My father speaks in a low tone but it carries throughout the hall. I could feel all eyes on me waiting for my answer. "I do."

"Then as Lord of London, I hand down my-"

A scraping sound against t wood fills the room and I spin around as commotion rises. In the crowd was an old man trying to hobble down to the aisle but everyone just stood there watching. Pompous royals. "Make way for him," I say loudly. "Let him through."

I was slightly surprised when they listened to me. Still getting used to the whole power thing. The old man hobbles closer and I can make out the insignia pinned on his chest, a mountain cat on top of a ledge. He was the last living relative to The Last King of Lynchester; Prince Ronald. HOW DID NO ONE NOTICE WHO HE WAS?! When he finally makes it to me the old prince is breathing heavily so I politely give him a minute. The prince is very skinny and tall with almost silver hair neatly styled, his eyes were a warm coffee brown.
"I am sorry for the interruption but I just got back in from Dubai." The elderly prince wheezes.

Dipping into a low crusty I mutter. "It's quite alright Your Majesty." A few gasps run through the crowds.

Yeah, idiots, you didn't notice who he was. To be fair the old man hasn't been seen in Lynchester since his wife and daughter died. That was 45 years ago, the prince himself was nearly 90. He looked okay for his age to be honest. So many rumors have been thrown around about him that I just assumed he was dead, the royal line of the Last King dying off. I was shocked he was here- at my ceremony no less.
"What can we do for you, Your Majesty?" My father quickly follows my lead and bows.

The prince frantically waves his hands. "Please none of that scrapping and licking my ass." Oh.

I try not to laugh at the vulgarity from the prince and stand up fully. The prince continues."The reason I am here is because of you Lizabeth." My head snaps up to meet the prince's eyes. "You are the next Queen of Lynchester."

Nearly choking on my spit along with half the other people watching in the crowd I stare at the elderly man with wide eyes. "I'm sorry what? No offense or anything but I am happily in a relationship right now-"

"And you cannot have her," Aurora growls from the front row.

Again the prince flails his hands. "No, no. I am too old to even make it a whole year with the stress of politics. And I don't have the requirements such as you." When I raise an eyebrow at him he elaborates. "The Last King was not human as everyone seems to think. It was years ago but not long enough for gossipers and rumors to muck up a pure bloodline." He grunts and at that I do laugh.

"The only person who can rule over Lynchester is someone of mixed blood. It is a very rare occurrence and that's the only reason we haven't had a new Ruler. Someone who has the blood of the god and the blood of a Mythic must rule Lynchester. To keep the peace."

Leaning over just a bit I look at Aurora for confirmation but she just shrugged her shoulders. Thanks, Rory. "Seems kind of far-fetched if I am being honest," I say meeting his gaze.

He laughs abruptly. "I like you." I smile at the prince. "Do you not see what you have already done? You ended a war that has been waged since the assassination of the Last King. Something many have failed to do over centuries."

I blink back my surprise and piece things together. "And you think I am ready to rule a country because of that?" I laugh.

"Yes." The prince says bluntly making me and everyone else gawk. "Will you accept?"

Thankfully he doesn't pressure me to answer right away and after a moment of weighing pros and cons I look up at the older man. His eyes are genuine and kind. "I accept."

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