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Feeling refreshed i smiled as i woke late the next day. My intense dream played on repeat all morning as i readied myself for my weekend routine.

As i stepped beneath the heated spray of my shower, lathering my body made me recall how his hand had so skillfully traversed it.

I wished he was a real man. I hated that he was only  dream. I wanted to know what he looked like. What his voice sounded like. Until now he never spoke. Only pleasured me then i would fall back into a dreamless sleep. 

I felt silly day dreaming about him as if he were real. It was ridiculous how he knew my body better than even i did. He was the first and only man that had ever seen me naked much less touch and caress me, and he wasn't even real

Once i stepped from the shower i attempted to push  last night from my thoughts i had things to do today. Saturdays were always reserved for me to have my hair touched up, work out, wash my laundry and do a thorough cleaning of my apartment

After having my breakfast i headed to the gym. I plugged on my headphones and began to trek on the treadmill. An hour later i was sufficiently sweaty and satisfied so i decided to head home and tackle my other duties

As i was waving a familiar face popped up grinning as if he had won the lottery

 "Hey! i didn't know this was your gym?" He feigned surprise but i could tell he knew

Michael was apparently relentless in his pursuit. I smiled not giving away that i was on to his games

"Hello Michael how are you? Yes this is my gym but i don't get much time to attend"

"Well maybe we can workout together sometime?"  he offered 

He looked uncharacteristically  bashful about my response and i found myself looking at him differently. It was endearing however his eyes did not shyly study my curves soaked in sweat.

His eyes followed the trail of sweat that dipped down in between my sports bra clad breasts. I watched him notice every slight trickle that moved across my skin

Suddenly the remembrance of a certain hand stroking those same trails had cream flooding my track pants.

I cleared my throat turning from Michael

"Maybe...." I replied curtly as i walked away.

 i felt the heated burn of his gaze on my ass as i swayed our of the gym

When i got home. I was heated in arousal that i couldn't understand nor shake. I had the unmistakable urge to touch myself. To feel everything the mysterious dream man had so effortless made me feel.

I had sexual dreams all the time but this was something new

Panicking i quickly hopped into the shower turning the water  cool, I hoped it would calm my raging libido. 

What was wrong with me? I never felt so out of control with my sexual urges before.

I wanted him again. 

But a deep nagging feeling told me if i allowed it i would never stop wanting him. He would become my obsession. My addiction. 

Warning bells rang in my head but was instantly drowned out by the consistent throbbing in my core

I could not allow that. He wasn't real. I couldn't allow myself to fall for a dream, a fictitious figure of a man.

 That couldn't be healthy on any level

Maybe i needed church. It would help ground me and make me remember all my beliefs and why i was so adamant about them

I made a mental note to go to the Sunday church session with my mother tomorrow. It had been a while. I was always so busy

In the meantime. I would not dream about him. I would get my trusty vibrator instead 


I spread my legs as i laid sprawled completely bare on my bed. The hum of the vibrator pressed against my clit had me in pure rapture. I twisted my hardened nipples with my free  hand reveling in the heat that infused my body 

I moved the device down to push inside me. It was long thick and felt so good.

I hissed as i pushed it deeper. the vibrations jarring me so deliciously, i felt it al l the way to my toes. they curled in ecstasy and  i could feel an impending orgasm deliciously rushing through me

Then a warm strong finger circled my clit lighting me up so intensely my back arched off the bed. I felt a hot wet tongue travel across mu neck and bite. I whimpered as he gave a rough  pull that would surely leave a mark

He had never been this close to me before. I turned my face hoping to see him. But even so close he was still shrouded by the dark

His deep breathing and smoky scent engulfed me paralyzing me with lusty desires that  i had never encountered before

I was beginning to question if this truly was my dream man. I recalled my sexual dreams in the past and they had never felt so incredible, so real, so.......... addictive

I groaned loudly as my orgasm shot forth pouring from me like a torrential downpour. Pure white lights danced behind my eyes as i gasped for air through my release 

when my orgasm finally eased and my cognizance returned i jumped from the bed. 

My breath were heaving with panic. I knew i had not fallen asleep when i was touched.  I was fully awake pleasuring myself and suddenly someone else was pleasuring me

Shivers racked my body as i thought of the possibility  of being violated by a stranger. I looked toward the open terrace and quickly slammed and locked it shut.

Then i raced to my front door, but it was still as locked up tightly as it was when i came home

I gingerly laid back down attempting to quell my thoughts that wandered with impossible thoughts.

 there was no physical evidence that anyone had been in my home. But the sting of the bite on my neck and the tingling from my recent release, told me someone or something had defiantly been here with me...........................




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