I Think Im Ready

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November 12, 2017
The boys 👦🤜🤛

Sam: hey steve!

Steve: what's up Sam?

Sam: what are doing for Natasha's birthday?

Steve: I can't really tell you
Steve: it's kinda private

Bucky: woo Stevie gonna have sex

Steve: no sex

Sam: no?
Bucky: sex?

Steve: no, we want our first time to be special

Sam: u guys are so boring 😒
Bucky: Sam's right. you guys have seen each naked

Steve: okay, yes! I definitely find myself looking at her body more since she brought up sex

Bucky: well it's a start
Sam: is it true?

Steve: what true? 🤨

Sam: that she's c

Steve: dude

Bucky: Sam that's gross! No but seriously though

Steve: I'm not telling you my girlfriends bra size

Sam: please!

Steve: nope bye 👋

Charlie's Angels 👼

Natasha: I need help!

Wanda: did you miss your period?!
Maria: get grounded?!

Natasha: No, I have a problem

Wanda: ok what is it?

Natasha: I think I'm ready

Wanda: oh
Maria: my
Wanda: god

Natasha: i know

Wanda: do what ever your heart tells you
Wanda: with James, we waited along time and when it finally happened we both enjoyed it
Maria: Wanda's right, don't have sex just for having it. You want it to be love making, we know you love him

Natasha: I just don't know how to tell him

Wanda: follow your heart

Natasha: thanks guys

Steve and Natasha's private chat

Steve: Tasha

Natasha: yes?

Steve: I think we should have sex

Natasha: me too

Steve: it's okay we don't- wait did you just say me too?

Natasha: yes! I want this

Steve: like now?

Natasha: maybe on my birthday, Christmas break, I don't care I just wanna make love to you

Steve: wow-umm I want to make love to you too
Steve: but we can't let our parents know

Natasha: this is between us, they don't need to know

Steve: right but my mom knows your doctor

Natasha: she'd know if we-

Steve: I'll pick up some-

Natasha: I'll talk to my doctor about birth control

Steve: hiding this is going to way harder than we thought

Natasha: you think?

Steve: if your dad finds out he'll kill me

Natasha: Steve

Steve: then Bucky will laugh at me during the funeral

Natasha: Steve! We're going to fine.
Natasha: I'll make a doctors appointment tomorrow
Natasha: if our parents find out, they find out

Steve: ok, but let's try to keep it a secret

Natasha: ok, I like this secret 😏

Steve: stop turning me on
Steve: I'm about to see your dad at weekend practice

Natasha: bye baby 💞

Steve: bye princess ❤️

So the next few chapters will mainly be writing not insta post. Will their parents find out about their plans?

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