"Yeah? Well, what are they?" He asked. He dropped his pissy face and just looked depressed. Perfect.

"You can become a "ghost" and haunt someplace near here, or you're home. You can go to the Shadowlands and just walk around there for eternity. Or you can become one of my reapers. After a few centuries of service, you can mosey around Hell. Don't worry. It's kind of a blast." I gave him a wicked smile and lit another cigarette. See? I can be patient.

"When do I have to choose?" He asked. Fúcking dumbàss.

"This isn't some trial period. You decide now. You have a minute." Well, I can be a little patient.

"I guess I will become a reaper then. On the condition I get to escort my family when it's their time." Did I like his "condition"? No. It was doable though. I snapped my fingers, calling Robert. Robert appeared, his black tattered robe swirling around him.

"You called, Master?" He said low, bowing his head. I dug this part so much.

"Hey Robert. Seems we have a new recruit." Robert lifted his head, his eyes glowing red in the darkness of his hood. Robert liked theatrics. He was kind of my right hand reaper, so I permitted it. He grabbed the collar of the guy and disppeared. Hopefully he learns quick. Maybe two weeks.

I took off myself, getting the other black cards. Black cards were suicides. That meant they were open to me. One chose to be a shade in the Shadowlands. Depressed chick. One chose to go the "ghost" route. Apparently, he was stoked about haunting someone. Whatever. One was smart, she chose to be a reaper. Good deal. We didn't have that many girls. She was okay looking, the other reapers were going to love her.

My other jobs were quick. A few Judgement Halls, one Gold ticket, and three red cards. Like always, the red cards put me in a much better mood. They always did. More dependable than a chocolate bar. My work done for the moment, and me being in the fun mood I was in, I took off to the hospital. Time to play with little Mira. Fun times.

When I got back to her room, she had calmed down and cleaned up. Had to give it to her. She looked hot even though she was in that hideous gown. She looked much better in her dream. That teeny bikini was going to feature in the private screening he was going to have later. Whether alone or not.

"Did the doctor say when you could go home?" A man asked. Oh, the dad. This was going to be awesome.

"They just want to make sure I don't have any lingering bleeding going on. He said maybe tomorrow as long as I continue on the healing path." Mira had a nice voice. Sultry and low and sweet. I could already hear her moaning several dirty things in that voice of hers. Man, I needed to get laid. Right after I staked her place out.

Shìt, I'm all powerful right? I summoned a few reapers and had them check her house out. I wanted them to give her place the full work up. How could I possibly pull reapers that would know what to look for? Did ya miss the whole all powerful? Of course I picked reapers who knew their shìt. One was an electrician, one had worked for the gas company. They would check every inch of that building and check for anything old Dad and Big Bro could think of.

I listened to the drivel that was her family for a bit, while I planned on how to entertain myself. Why plan when I could just do? I pulled out of the corner, her eyes already zeroing in on me. I wonder how she could do it? Her eyes widened, her mother must have seen the fear there. Or she had that mother's instinct crap. Her head turned in my direction, but the mother could see nothing. Only Mira could see me. Like I said, fun times.

I croached closer to the bed, making sure my smile promised al sorts of dark things. Her eyes tracked me with their blue orbs.

"Hey sweets. Miss me?" I asked her. I generally wanted to know.

"Who are you?" She asked. Her family looked at her in concern.

"Who are you talking to baby?" Her mom asked. She was hot for an older woman.

"That man. The one behind you." She said. Her eyes never left me. So I gave her a show. I took my coat off, throwing it in the corner. Her eyes widened as my arms and chest were revealed. Like that, do you baby? I placed my hands on the back of my head, flexing my arms. I could see her eyes trace the tattoos on my upper arm. Her mom and dad looked around wildly, searching for the man Mira was talking about.

"Honey, noone is here." Her dad gently said. "Should we get the doctor?" He whispered to her mom. Mira seemed to catch on that only she could see me. She was quick to focus on them.

"Oh yeah! Must have been just a shadow. Weird huh? I just need to get out of this room." Her parents looked relieved. She kept sneaking glances my way when they wasn't looking. She let the conversation flow around her. I ran my hands down my body coming closer everytime she looked away. I silently commanded her dad to move from one side of the bed, and wouldn't ya know it? He listened. Why just touch myself?

I ran my hand up her slim calf, squeezing every so often. Her heart rate monitor sped up just a little. Not enough to concern anyone. Well, not yet. Over her blanket covered thigh. Brushing her hip and waist. Her heart rate monitor sped a bit more. All the while, she had to listen to her parents drivel on about this or that. Never looking my way.

Her breath hitched a bit as my palm grazed her breast. This was fun. I chuckled as she squeaked when I piched that nipple of hers. I only hoped her breasts looked as amazing as they felt. Her mom immediately jumped closer to her, concern written all over her.

"What's wrong? What hurts?" Yea, tell them what's wrong baby.

"Oh, nothing. Just a cramp. See, it's all ready gone." She rushed out of those luscious lips of hers. Oh baby, I can show you a cramp all right. I let my hand come down between her breasts and begin digging it's way under the blanket. I let my hand rest heavy at the juncture of her thighs before my fingers began to pull up that gown of hers, an inch at a time. Her eyes jumped from me to her parents. Poor thing. Does not know what to do, huh?

As my fingers ran out of cloth and began touching the silk of her inner thigh, she began a moan which quickly turned into a yawn.

"Wow, I'm really tired!" She squeaked out. Her parents looked at each other and nodded.

"Why don't we leave you to rest. We'll go by your place and make sure everything is ready for you." Her parents each placed a kiss to her forehead just as I hit the sweet spot. She hid that moan as a purr of contentment and a smile at her folks. Dirty girl.

"Love you guys." She whispered. Her parents smiled and repeated those gagging words to her before they left. As soon as they shut the door she turned fiery eyes at me.

"Who the hell are you and what the fuck are you doing! She grabbed at my hand and attempted to pull it away from her body. Yeah, not going to happen.

"See, you looked bored laying there. So I thought I'd liven things up." I said to her. "Then you went ahead and ruined my fun by sending your parents away. That was not cool." I plunged two of my fingers deep into her core. Her body arched and her breath stopped. I pulled my fingers out and lifted my hand out from the blanket.

"What exactly was your fun?" She snarked. Her body might have been on board but her head sure wasn't. That was okay. I only wanted her body anyway. Yeah, and maybe her soul.

"Well, the plan was to make you cum all over yourself while your parents watched." I placed my finger in my mouth. Man, she tasted good.

"That's sick! Who are you?!" She whispered. Her eyes twisted in disbelief.

"Well, baby, I'm Death, and you're my newest toy"

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