Waking Up Is A Good Thing

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*Waking Up Is A Good Thing*

*Mira P.O.V.*

The beeping woke me. That incessant beeping sound. So annoying. Then the pain. I shouldn't have had that coffee. My stomach is killing me! Opening my eyes was a shock to my senses. One, was all the flippin white. Shìt! Was I in Heaven? Two, this bed was really uncomfortable. Which answered the first question. Surely Heaven had pillowtop massaging beds! Right? You would think so. The beeping took center stage again and I looked for it. If only to shut it the hêll up! That's when my brain caught up with my eyes. The plywood footboard of my bed, the scratchy blue wool of the blanket, and finally that horrid beeping thing. Turned out it was my monitoring device or something. My heartbeat was the horrid beeping sound. I was in the hospital.

The realization must have set off some inner warning device because my arm was getting squeezed to shìt. After what seemed like an eternity of numbness to my fingers the pressure realeased on my arm and yet another beep from the devil machine. Some bright numbers came up which told me that my blood pressure was normal. Sue me, I am terminally stupid first thing in the morning. Night? What time was it? Why was I in a hospital?

The memories came then. The crackhead grabbing me. Fighting him off. The wound he made. Then the sex god with amber eyes. He was crazy, but he was good to look at. It balanced. Then the badass move I pulled ordeeing the coffee and the ambulance. Yeah, that was pretty rockstar if I didn't say so myself. Then nothing. There were dreams of the crazy sexy dude. That was about it. Dàmn, how long was I out?

The door opened to reveal a tired looking Hannah. Her hair was pulled up in a sloppy bun, which told me she hadn't washed it today. She always wore it like that if she didn't wash and condition. Seeing what her hair looked like when she brushed it when it was dry, I got it. Timon and Pumba almost showed up screaming Hakuna Matata. So she wears it up. She looked a hot mess in her jammy pants and a tank.

"Damn girl, couldn't you have at least showered?" I said. My voice sounded odd and croaky though. Hannah dropped the coffee in her hands and gave a gasp. Coffee. I hate you so much right now, but I can never stay mad at you. Hannah rushed my bed and almost jumped on me. She stopped short at my bed, I guess she remembered my boo boo.

"Oh my god! Mira! You're awake!" She made an awkward attempt at a hug. After a few failed tries she just resigned herself to patting my face. "Do you hurt? Oh, do you need something!" Poor frantic Hannah. She gets weird whenever I'm hurt or sick. "Seriously, are you hurting?"

I laughed at her. Couldn't hold it in. Not that I tried too hard. It ended badly though. The dryness in my throat caused the laugh to turn into a coughing fit which turned into me groaning in agony. Karma was definitely a bìtch.

"Water. Please." I gritted out through my teeth. She nodded frantically and rushed to that weird little pink pitcher. She poured it into a matching pink cup and brought it over. Like the awesome person she was, she helped me up to drink. It tasted stale and coppery, but it was wet and that was I needed. The Sahara Desert now out of my insides, I laid back on the bed.

"Oh, shït! I forgot to call your parents!" Hannah shouted. The drama queen was like that. She would be completely calm then bam. A shout or a loud gasp would be forced from her.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, thankfully now sounding like myself.

"Your parents were here and I promised to call them the minute you woke up!" Hannah said. She cringed a little, probably at the thought of my father. My parents were, shall we say, a bit overprotective. Only child and all that.

"It's cool. I'm sure." I moved my bed with that cool little remote thing so I could sit up easier. Not that it didn't hurt like hëll. It did. It felt like a thousand tiny trolls were pulling my insides apart. Once I breathed through that pain, it got better. I just didn't want to keep laying down like an idiot. Which caused Hannah to lose her shìt.

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