Teasing People

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Just random cute photo I found :}

Denki's POV

"So that's what's been going on with you two," Sero said it as a statement. I could tell they were all taking in what he just said. It WAS a lot to take in. Hell, I didn't even know if I fully understand, and saying it all out loud made it sound so crazy. 

"So, y'all are friends with benefits?" Bakugous voice wasn't accusing, just looking for more information. 

"BAKUGOU! What kind of question is that?" Kiri hit him in the back of the head, this caused everyone to laugh a little lightening the tense mood. 

"WHAT!? It's a fair question!" He was yelling at Kiri and sending off little explosions. This only made us laugh more.

Once everyone calmed down the room seemed...brighter? But people were acting normal rather than stunned, that means teasing, fuck. "You know, Bakugou's right, you guys are basically friends with benefits."

Mina had no self-control. Her and Sero were giving me the same smirk. If I wasn't red as Midoriya's shoes before I was now.

"No, we just work together!" I shouted out them, even my voice showed how flustered I was. 

"True, while you act like a couple, WITH YOUR CRUSH!" Sero yelled the last part and I punched him in the arm.

"Shut it Sero!" I crossed my arms and pouted like a child while everyone else laughed. 

"Aww, what's the matter Kami? Afraid he'll hear us," Kiri laughed even harder at his comment and so did the others. "You realize he is a floor above us on the guys' side right?"

"Well yeah, but not everyone on Mina's floor needs to know!" I whisper yelled at all of them causing more laughter and I laughed too. These are my best friends, sure they'll tease the hell out of me but in the end, they just want me to be happy.

Shinsou's POV

"So, you've kissed this boy that you're not dating twice?" I nodded, "My God, you really are my child," I gave him a quizzical look.

"Well, me and him did that in high school too," I look to the door and see dad. Wait, WHAT? "I can tell you're lost. We were dared both times because we had pushy friends but still. But I can tell I'm missing something so fill me in," He wraps his arms over my papa's shoulders as I did to Denki earlier. I can feel my face getting really hot as I remember that. I was so scared to do it but I still did.

"Loud blond," That was all papa said a look of realization spread across dad's face and one of victory.

"I CALLED IT!" Dad shouted. My papa never flinched at something like this, but normally I would. I guess if you spend enough time with a loud blond you just get used to it.

"Papa, why did you tell me not to fall in love with a loud blond?" His face said 'Oh shit' even if he didn't say it.

"YOU TOLD HIM NOT TO FALL IN LOVE WITH A LOUD BLOND?! IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY KIND!?" Dad was trying to seem hurt but was really trying not to laugh.

"Once they're with you, there is no getting rid of them ever. I'm just not ready for you to grow up. But I suppose you took that into your own hands. At least you didn't fall for Bakugou. Then I might be disappointed," He chuckled towards the end he also got a laugh from dad.

"Even if he did that boy is obviously with Kirishima," Papa nodded along to dad smiling. It was rare in class but not when dad was around.

"No, he's not. They're not a thing but both want to be," They got so wide-eyed in disbelieve. I could not contain my own laughter at this scene causing them to look even more shocked. "What? It's not like I never laugh." 

I continued to laugh and they joined in. My dad cackling, and my papa only laughing small and airy. "True, it's just rare you laugh that much. Kaminari must be rubbing off on you," I chuckle as a response since the laughter had died down. I felt all the blood rush to my face. I was a book they had no trouble reading.

"Alright Toshi, go to your room and think about everything. But ask him out soon. There is no way he doesn't like you back," I roll my eyes and leave rather than responding. There was no point in arguing with those two.

Denki's POV

After even more teasing from the Bakusquad, I get a little fed up and I think I might short circuit from all the vulgar things they were saying. But it was all in good fun. I head to my room. I'm not tired but I try to sleep anyway.

After what felt like day's I look to see it's 1:13 am. I get up to grab some food and water to survive when I realize I'm still in my jeans and sweater. Dumb fuck I chuckle to my self. I changed into a white tee shirt and dark blue basketball shorts.

When I get downstairs I notice that the kitchen light is on. I hoped it was Toshi, but to my dismay it was Midoriya. "Hey, Kaminari. What are you doing up?" He looked a little concerned.

"I woke up at like 2:30 pm and have gotten more sleep these past 2 days than I normally do in a little under a week, so my mind isn't really urging me to sleep," While I talked I grabbed a glass and started filling it with water. I looked at Midoriya and realized I had said that out loud.

"That's not healthy Kaminari, you need to sleep properly!" He looked really worried, I never meant to do that.

"I'm trying I really am, it's just difficult because of my quirk," I rubbed my fingers together causing tiny lightning to shoot from my fingers and fade once they left my hand. He looked at me then took out his notebook and started writing. This made me laugh. Bakugou was right he is a nerd, but so is Bakugou so he has no room to talk.

"Do you go anywhere without that thing?" He shook his head no without looking up. I scoffed a little, god so nerdy. "Well, I'm gonna try to go to bed. If it happens or not is a different story."

"Alright, good luck Kaminari, and good night," Midoriya sounded so cheery.

"Oh, by the way, why are you up?" He looked up at me then got sheepish only saying one word.

"Nightmare," I nodded then thought I'd tease him about his very obvious crush.

"Maybe your Icy-Hot boyfriend can help you sleep," He went red and hid the lower half of his face with his notebook I just laughed and left with my water. I had was teased by the Bakusquad for a while, it felt good to tease someone myself. It was all in good fun and I think Midoriya knows that.

I put my drink on my desk then flop on my bed trying, and failing to get even a wink of sleep that night. Sometimes I really hate my quirk, even if can have as many uses as I so choose.

Hey guys!! I just wanted to do something that would be a little more calming and funny.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll be back to all the fluff in the next chapter.

Anyway, this took a lot longer then it should have mostly 'cause I did a dumb thing but it was fun regardless.

Have a great day/night

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